Part 19

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Cole's POV:

I was waiting for Lili to come to my trailer before the table read for episodes 6 and 7. We were going to talk about who got Ella for which holidays this year. I was going to let Lili have her for all of them since my family doesn't really celebrate anything. Lili arrived about 10 minutes late, which was kinda weird cause lately she has always been on time. I opened the door when she knocked, letting her in. She looked really tired and I was feeling bad for her, she always got the worst nights.

L-"I am so sorry Cole, Ella was just really sick with a fever the whole night and I barely slept."

C-"Ohh, poor thing, I got you coffee."

I took Ella from her arms and we both sat down on the small couch of my trailer.

L-"Well, My family is very big on thanksgiving so I guess you can get her for Christmas."

C-"Oh... Well, my parents are out for Christmas, so it is just me and Dylan. What about I get her for New Year's. We can throw a party here in my place."

L-"Really? If you want you can come and spend Christmas with my family. Sure, that is a good idea."

C-"I have to ask Dylan first, we have to go to the table read anyways."

I took Ella and she slept the whole morning in my arms, I had my narrations in the beginning but then had only a few lines until lunchtime. We ate at the food trailer and left Ella with Terry, our hairstylist, and went back to the table read until 7 pm. We ended up not starting to read episode 7 because Roberto kept making changes in the script. We were going to film an hour and a half long episode but only about 40 minutes actually made it to the show. Today was my day with Ella and it was really the first time Lili had left her with me when she is sick. Today she was very much attached to me, which was very strange for her. Usually, she will not like being held and will just say "Down" until we put her on the floor but today, she was held the whole day and the only times she was on the floor was when she saw me arriving and ran to me. Ella had a 102-degree fever (39 C for the non-Americans) and claimed her ears hurt a lot. We were not sure about taking her to the hospital but decided against it. Ella wasn't eating anything and only drinking milk and water. Lili had made some vegetable soup for me to force-feed her and I was dreading t so much. First of all, I had to put her on her high chair which she barely used anymore and then I had to make her eat the soup, even though she was going to scream and cry at me. It was very hard and most of it flew all over my kitchen, by the end of it, I was covered in soup and so was Ella and I was only able to feed her 4 whole spoons. I decided to call Lili and ask what to do cause she could not go to sleep without eating.


C-"Hi, so about the soup, I was only able to feed her a few spoons. What can I give her now?"

L-"Well... just give her some fruit, she usually eats it."

C-"What fruit? I have apples, bananas, strawberries, and cuties."

L-"Just slice a banana, maybe some strawberry and put it all in her high chair tray... oh and add some cheerios, she will eat those for sure."

C-"Okay... Umm any favorite techniques of making her eat? I have tried the airplane but she just hit the spoon I tried giving her a bowl but she just threw it on the floor."

L-"Well, just leave her sight. She is just making a fit but if she is actually hungry, she will eat if you leave her alone."

C-"Thanks. Tell you how it has gone after."

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