Part 13

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Lili's POV:

I sighed deeply and squatted to her height.

L-"Well remember asking me about why you didn't have a dada? Well, you have a very good dad."

E-"who is it, mama?"

L-"Well you play a lot with him?"

E-"uncle Casey?"

L-" no..."


L-"NO!" I said aggressively, almost scaring her. I calmed back down and gave her another clue

L- "he is very very close"

E-"umm... is it Cole?"

L-"yes Ella, Cole is your dad."

I said with clear excitement on my face

E- "really (to Cole) you are my dad? That's so cool. We can play every day"

She jumped to his arms and went on with what she would do with him now that he was her dad.

L-"we have to go, Ella"

E-"okay mommy."

She went down to the floor and grabbed my hand.

E-"bye Dad, I love you"

Cole's POV:

They closed the door and I froze in shock. Bye, dad... I love you. Her words were repeated endlessly inside my head, my heart had never been as warm as it was right now. It finally felt real, I was her dad, I was going to be part of her life now. I decided to go to Ikea and get some furniture for Ella's room, I had no idea what to get so I just got her a toddler bed. I stayed up building it and it was way harder than it looked. The instructions were pure Chinese and I was just complexly lost. I tried to put two pieces together but it wasn't really looking like a bed, eventually, I just gave up and watched a youtube tutorial for it. I put the bed in an empty bedroom close to mine, I was one step closer to have a furnished house. I was going to have some shoots next week but they were all in Vancouver because I was still doing my voice-overs for the pilot.

Lili's POV:

When I got home I was happy I had told Ella. During the five-minute car ride, she went on about the adventures they had while she was with Cole. As soon as I put Ella to bed I went straight to my laptop and created a timetable that had the times that she was going to be with Cole. He had told me that he had photography stuff in the morning and recordings after that so I made sure that even though he was still working we both had almost equal time with Ella. When I was about to send it to Cole, I received a pic of a toddler bed in an empty room.


(Imagine a pic of a toddler bed here)

C- "after way too much time of putting this together, Ella will have a bed at my place for nap time"

L-"Great, I was just putting together a calendar for the next two weeks. Now I can leave her with you for the night."

C-"Already??😂 I was thinking we would start with the fun stuff so I could be the cool one."

L-"Well, I think you need more practice with the parenting part more than the cool part."

C-"Yeah sure."

L-"you know you put her pants on backward and her shirt inside out this morning."

C-"What? No, I didn't "

L-"oh yes you did"

C-"Well it is not my fault that her clothes were so hard to figure out."

L-"well I gave you the easiest ones"

C-"Well I guess I have to study it before she comes over again."

L-"Go ahead 😂"

I turned off my phone and went back to my timetable. I changed 4 nights to Cole, mostly the ones that my sister was in town, and changed it so she would spend the whole Friday, day and night, with Cole. I sent it to him and went to bed.

Cole's POV:

Just as I was heading to bed my phone vibrated with a new message from Lili. It was a color-coordinated calendar of the times that I was with Ella. I was amazed at it. It had every single detail including her bedtime, nap time and even who was picking Ella up or dropping her off. I decided to FaceTime Lili, about the calendar thing she had done, not because I missed her voice and... yes, obviously about the calendar. We were just friends, nothing else, no feelings. Well, that need when she answered the FaceTime call, with a messy bun and an oversized shirt. she was perfect and I felt like I had to make her mine. I had to very very softly flirt with her.

C-"oh, look at you, you look cute"

I internally facepalmed myself, super subtle flirting I had. She was blushing though, which was a good sign... right?

L-"well you look like you have been hit by a truck. "

I looked at the screen and saw my hair all over the place laughed.

C-"well I guess I have been hit by great news and Ikea furniture instructions."

L-"Well, I guess you didn't call just for that."

C-"I was going to say how cool the calendar thing you sent me is. You are so talented"

My inner self was about to kill itself because of my super discrete flirting techniques. When you like someone as I like her, you just forget everything and let your heart speak. I really need to work on that before I accidentally do something worse.

L-"Thanks, I color coordinated it so that you understand."

Well, she was right. I can't say that I am good at anything like tables or schedules. They just make my brain explode, I am for sure more of a texts and photos kinda person, I could understand better an essay telling me exactly what times I had to film than those super complex schedules that I just don't understand.

C-"Well, you did it right cause I understand it. I also have some questions about what to buy for Ella. I need to get her a car seat and a stroller at least."

L-"Well the brand of... (too boring for me to write but you get the vibe, long conversation)..."

I saw Lili starting to fall asleep. She had been laying on the bed since the beginning of the call but I knew she was going to fall asleep. That was the main reason that I had been talking to her about this. I knew what I had to buy but the thought of her sleeping on the other side of the call just made me really happy. I stopped talking so that she wouldn't wake up and laid on my bed. Even though it was only a FaceTime call, I felt like she was close to me, safe, and I re3ally liked that feeling.


Comment ideas 💞

sorry that it is really shot and rushed.

But things are gonna get spicier in the next like 3 parts (Idk cause I didn't write them yet though 😂)

I will probably only update on Friday

Btw Sam isn't just someone random, I will mention it later in the story 

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