Part 14

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Lili's POV:

I woke up with the FaceTime call still on but Ella singing softly. She loved to sing songs from Disney movies but would only when no one was listening. I pretended to sleep for a few more minutes, hoping that Cole would wake up and hear her sing but he wouldn't wake up so I turned around, showing that I was already awake. I turned the call off and got Ella dressed. Today we were going to the trampoline park which was Ella's favorite thing ever and we had never gone to the one here in Vancouver. We got Casey, Kj and Madeline to come with us and we had a blast, we were all double jumping each other, Ella on my lap of course and after 3 hours we were more than exhausted and wanted to eat. We went to a vegan place next to  the park because of Mads and it ended up being pretty good. I took Ella home for her nap and talked with my agent about the premier and the interviews and my fittings and all. The afternoon was pretty chill, Ella just played and I read and cooked us some fancy tacos and we ate early and watched toy story again. Today was really fun but I missed Cole, I knew that I had to keep my feelings to myself cause we could not date. What if we broke up, we couldn't stopping seeing each other because of Ella, which would be hard for us. Ella. I started imagining how happy she would be if both her parents lived under the same roof. I fantasized about it a lot since the day that we met but before it was more of an impossible dream, now it can be a reality if he also likes me of course. Does he like me? Does he want something more? Is he happy with just friends? Well, I guess I'll never know cause I don't want to ruin the friendship that we have. I scrolled through my feed and as soon as I crossed one photo of Cole, I decided to stalk him cause why not? I went all the way back to his first pictures and saw a bunch of him and Dylan. There was one that they were both babies and screenshotted it to compare with Ella. I could see her eyes in him for sure but also his hair. He had lighter hair than me and Ella had that for sure. I continued scrolling up and freaked out when I saw a pic of him doing the same crazy expression that Ella does all the time ever since she was a newborn. I screenshotted it as well and as I was about to continue scrolling I accidentally like his photo. Shoot. I'm dead. I unlike it hoping that the notification gets lost in the thousands that he receives and turns off my phone before I do any more damage. I get Ella to bed and hop in the shower, still embarrassed about stalking Cole earlier. I got myself ready for bed and when I was going to connect my phone to the charger I received a call from Cole. Fuck. He noticed. This was going to be so awkward.

(Over the phone call)

C- "umm... Hi Lili... well, this is gonna sound a bit wired but... are-"

L-"I'm sorry okay, I know that I shouldn't go through your profile but I was just looking for baby photos to see how similar Ella was to you. I mean It wasn't actually stalking I just wanted to compare-"

C-"Sorry, I'm not understanding what you are talking about."

Wow. He didn't know, but my stupid ass told him and now I have to explain myself. I hit my head against the wall and picked the phone up again.


L-" uhh, hi Cole, you were saying."

C-"what were you apologizing for?"

L-"umm... nothing really it was for another person I was expecting a call from."

Gosh, I was really bad at lying and he obviously knew that it was for him.

C-"okay, Well I was going to ask if I could use Ella as my model for some photos, I just got really fun ideas. I was going to ask if you were okay with it, I'm not gonna publish anything I just got some cute outfits made for her by my team and she is perfect so if you let her I-"

L-"For sure, when is this?"

C-"It is Thursday morning, I have her until after lunch so nothing in the calendar needs to be changed."

L-"Do you want me to come?"

I really wanted to go and see this photoshoot so I was praying for a yes.

Cole's POV:

L-"Do you want me to come?"

Yes, please come, I also called to arrange a breakfast date so I could talk to you about my more than friends feelings. Ooof, I was able to keep that to myself for once. I wanted her to watch but also didn't want to make it feel weird so I decided to just act like I don't really care.

C-"Don't you have like your cousin over this week or something?"

I knew it was her sister but I wanted to seem uninterested cause that is how you get a girl to like you... right?

L-"actually it is my sister and doesn't worry cause I have better things to do."

Oh shit. She was pissed off at my ignorance and I just wanted to make up for that.

C-"sorry, I just have a lot on my mind. It would mean a lot to me if you would go and your sister can come as well. I think that Ella would not survive it without you."

L-"no problem, I'll think about it."

C-"Look, I am going back home to see Dylan next Monday and I really wanted for you and Ella to come. After all, he is her Uncle and you were his best friend for years. It is just 3 days so we won't be there for long."

L-"ill text you later, I gotta go."

Lili's POV:

I really wanted to see Dylan but my whole family was coming over on Wednesday and I had to get my 1 bedroom apartment into one for 6 people. I could have just said no right away but I really wanted Ella to meet Dylan. Dylan had been by my award show buddy for years and was my best friend until the night. That was one crazy night. It started when I was...


Next part is going to be a flashback

(thank you to the one that gave the idea)

Comment more stuff you want to see

I'll try and update Sunday

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