Part 3

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Lili's POV:

A week and 6 days had gone by since my audition and I had completely given up on the chance of being cast. I stopped checking my email cause I knew that the most likely thing that I would get is an email from my agent saying that I was not cast and I would get more opportunities and blah blah blah. I am most likely going to start looking for jobs next week cause I really want to move out of my mom's and start my new life. I was organizing my room when I heard my phone call 3 times in less than a minute. I looked at it and it was my agent, what did she want that was that urgent, I considered just ignoring but I decided against. I picked the phone up and was greeted with excitement from my manager, Jane.

J- "Lili! You are not going to believe me when I say that you got the part for Betty Cooper"

L- " OMG !! YES!! well, but that can't be right I wasn't even called back how come I am cast?"

J- "Roberto was choosing between you and another actress but today morning her agent called and told Roberto she had found a better opportunity so, you were picked."

L- "Wow that's crazy but now what do I do? Do I have to go back to New York to sign papers?"

J- "I talked to the casting director and apparently the show producer is around the area and will come over to your place the day after tomorrow to tell you more about the role, give you the timetable for filming and obviously sign the contract. Is 4 pm okay by you"

L- "actually it is perfect, Ella naps between 2 and 5 so she won't be awake"

J- "great, if you have any questions call me and ill help you out"

L- "thanks, bye"

I let out an excited scream and I was in the best mood I had ever been, my aunt danced around the house with me even though she was 7 months pregnant. I spent the next 2 days cleaning the whole house and getting everything ready for when the producer arrived. I had put Ella down at 2:30 pm In hopes that she would sleep a little longer and kicked all my family out so the house wouldn't be the crazy jungle it usually is. A knock on the door startled me and I looked down at my watch, It was only 3:24 pm. I was shocked to see Roberto outside my door but gestured him to come in. There were 2 more people with him that to this day I still do not know who they are. We talked a lot about my character, her relationships with other characters, filming locations and timetables. It was all going perfectly until Ella woke up from her nap. It was already 5:42 pm and so I wasn't at all shocked when I saw Ella on the doorway.

E- "mommy?"

L- " go play with your toys I will be out in a minute"

E- " I'm hungry"

L- (to Roberto)" can you excuse me for a second I just need to get her some crackers"

R- "No problem, is she coming with you to filming? "

L- (from the kitchen) "yeah, she is my daughter and I can't leave her here."

R- "Yeah, I understand"

L- " I hope it is not a dealbreaker, promise that she is very well behaved, she sleeps a lot and she can play alone for hours straight, and she-"

R- (interrupting) " there is no problem with her coming, I was just thinking if you need extra space for her, maybe a 2nd trailer or something."

L- "no, I have figured out what I am going to do with the trailer that you showed me just a few minuted ago"

R- "great, now you can read and sign your contract"

L-(signs) "here"

R- "great, ill see you at the cast dinner and I won't forget to get a high chair for Ella"

L- "thank you, see you then"

 closed the door and picked Ella up and swung her around in happiness. I was really happy to get a job finally, with such a cool producer, really good pay and a 6-year contract. I opened my laptop and started looking for apartments close to the set. (two days later) I was going to the airport in my mom's car, she helped me check-in my luggage as it was a lot and I was only left with the stroller and a backpack. Ella was still asleep as it was still 6 am, but just as we were entering security she woke up screaming and so I had to go through security with a screaming baby, if that wasn't enough they had to check the stroller and my backpack so we were there for a while and Ella was really hungry and tired. We finally got to the waiting room and I got Ella to fall asleep right before we boarded the plane. I had gotten us places by the window for the first flight where I knew Ella would be mostly awake, she watched a few episodes of chip and potato that I had downloaded and slept for about 40 minutes. It was a 2-hour flight so it went by pretty quickly but he worst was the 3-hour layover at Minneapolis which was very tiring. I was suer thankful that the airport had an indoor kid play area that entertained Ella most of the time. Halfway through our wait, we had an early lunch at the airport Mc Donalds, after lunch Ella ran out the rest of her energy out in the playground and by the time the airplane was in the air Ella was sleeping. We arrived at 6:18 pm to Vancouver, then we took an Uber to my apartment. The apartment was furnished and I unpacked some clothes and got dressed for the dinner that started at 8, already past Ella's bedtime. I fed Ella then got her dressed and strapped her onto the stroller while I got myself ready since it was a new apartment I was afraid it would be dangerous for her to walk around alone. To my surprise, she was asleep on the stroller and even though I wanted her to sleep through the dinner, I knew that she was going to be up and filled with energy during the night.


Please comment ideas on how Lili should meet Cole💞

Sorry if the ending was kinda boring, I promise next part will be better😊

I'll try and post another part still today😁

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