Part 2

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Cole's POV:

I had just got out of a call with my agent, she told me that the show director of Riverdale wanted me to play Jughead. Riverdale was a Teen drama sow that could get me back into the front line of acting. I was pretty sure I was done with acting but it has really good pay, with an open door to fame and I missed acting and this seemed like it was just a perfect opportunity since I was done with college.

C- "Dyl??"

D- "yeah butthead??"

C- "do you think I should go back to acting"

D- "definitely... not "

C- "why ??"

D- "Remember how stressed you were every time you were in public, how you freaked out every time you were in public and people took photos of you, remember how you hated how people recognized you, and how you swore you hated acting and just wanted to be normal. Well now you can go out without everyone stopping to take pictures with you, are you sure you want to go back to how it was before. "

C- "You are partially right but I also have been really wanting to go back to acting and this is like the perfect chance, and I am an adult now I can handle publicity. "

D- "yeah, yeah do that now just leave my room cause I am winning the game and you are distracting me with this stupid pep talk"

C- "Okay thanks loser"

D- "if you regret going please call me to make fun of you"

C- " well at least I am doing something besides sitting in front of the computer the whole day"

D- " If I lose this game you are so done... as soon as the game finishes I am gonna beat the crap out of you so I suggest you run"

C- "If we are going to start a fight then I suggest you run, I go to the gym almost every day and you probably have not stepped into one in years"

I see him almost bursting so I decide to leave the room and call my agent back and tell her that I am going to do it.

Lili's POV

I was standing outside of the audition but unlike any other one of the dozens I had one in my life, I was pretty calm, I still wasn't sure about going back to acting so if I didn't get the part I would not be sad. The little bit of nervous started to grow in the last minutes of waiting and a buzz of energy when trough my body the minute that they called my name to go inside. Elle was at preschool and my mom was going to pick her up and stay with her until bedtime. I was going home on the 11 pm flight and arriving around 12:30 pm. Thinking of my baby made me feel more confident and I walked to that audition room the calmest I could. I passed through dozens of blonds auditioning for the same part as me I suppose. I left the audition room with the smile it went well, better than I was expecting, and the show producer told me he was most likely going to call me back. I got into the plane and after 3 episodes of friends I got home and my sister was waiting for me outside and in no time I was cuddling my sleeping baby. 

Cole's POV:

I had a meet up with the producer, to find out more about the show I was going to star in and sign the contract hopefully. Roberto told me more about Jughead and I liked the depth of the character that I am playing and I was very happy about going back to acting. Roberto also told me about filming timetables and locations and when trough all the requirements and rules of signing the contract. I very happily signed it and now I was going to be an actor for at least 6 years, which I was really happy about, the not so fun side of it though was that I had to dye my hair black which I didn't want cause I was pretty proud of my blond curls and I also liked pranking people with Dylan but with black hair I could no longer do that. I went to the barbershop right away and got it dyed black and actually liked how it looked, it wasn't as good as long but it wasn't that bad. I whet home and started looking for an apartment. I was going to move in about a week although the rest of the cast was only going in about 3 weeks to start table reads and shooting the pilot. I decided to move a bit earlier cause I wanted to get o know the area and I was constantly being kicked out of mine and Dylan's apartment cause he likes to bring girls over and make me sleep in the car. 


Please comment ideas💞

I'm going to try posting another one today 

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