Chapter 2: New Friends

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Kari bought her lunch and stared at the room around her. She hadn't really talked to anyone this morning and was not a fan of this place. All she could think of was four years of eating lunch alone…

She went and grabbed a seat at an empty table. She opened up a book she had brought with her figuring she wouldn't make instant friends and started to read.


Kari looked up to see a purple haired girl sitting across from her smiling. "I'm Yolie I guess you have first lunch too"

Kari taken aback by the fact that someone actually cared to speak to her also smiled. "Hi I'm Kari, new here as you can see." indicating sitting alone.

Yolie nodded. "Yeah I'm actually a sophomore but I go stuck in first lunch due to my schedule."

Kari gave her a pained look. "That's no fun."

Yolie shrugged. "I'm fine with it. So where did you live before?"

"Targan, it's a little town, very different to a school like this." she said sighing.

"You should try out for a sport or a club, something to get yourself known to the school." Yolie suggested. "I myself am a computer geek but hey you learn some interesting stuff on computers."

Kari smiled. "I can barely print my pictures out correctly."

"You take pictures?"

"Yeah" Kari said shyly. "I guess I could join a photography club…as for sports that's more my brother Tai."

Yolie nodded, "I know the feeling there."

Tai walked into English with a boy he had met and become fast friends with, Matt. The sat down and were speaking about a baseball game that had been on the night before.

"Hey Sora" came a voice and Tai turned his head to see a girl waving to a short brown haired girl walking into the room.

"Who's that?" Tai asked Matt.

Matt looked. "Oh that's Sora. She's cool, very nice and all that kind of stuff."

"Oh" Tai said watching her smiling and laughing with her friends. She sat down with them and the class began.

Tai looked over to see Matt drawing some picture and then handed it to him. Tai smirked to see it as the teacher with a huge head yelling with a bright red face. Tai had heard kids complaining before the class about the teacher calling him names and such.

Tai drew him throwing a book at a student and handed it to Matt. Matt snickered and the two continued to make fun of the teacher the rest of class well until they got caught anyway.

"Hmm artists I see." he said staring over the laughing boys who looked up behind them nervously.

Matt smiled. "Mr. Petichini you know this isn't of you right?"

"Shut it Ishida. And you what's your name?"

"Tai Kamyia" Tai answered taking a glance towards Sora who was staring at him unimpressed.

"Well Ishida, Kamyia I'll see you both in detention this afternoon what a way to start off the year." he walked away and Tai looked back towards Sora who wasn't even paying attention to him anymore.

Izzy sat down at a lab station in the science class room. He opened up his book and started reading even though it wasn't required. He felt somebody sit next to him and he looked up. "Seriously? Can I help you?" he asked staring at Mimi.

"Don't flatter yourself this was the only seat open." Mimi said.

"Oh I'm shocked your popular friends didn't jump at the chance to sit next to you."

"What's your problem."


Mimi glared at him. "Well deal with me because it seems as though I'm your lab partner." she said folding her arms.

"Lucky me"

The teacher stood up. "To start off the year we're going to do an easy lab." he went on to state the instructions.

Izzy picked up a beaker and started to fill another one with a fluid. Then he started to cut up a piece of onion needed.

"I can do that…" Mimi said taking the knife and onion from him. She started to cut it.

"Not so fast you're going to…" Izzy began.


"…cut yourself." he said taking her hand and dabbing it with a paper towel.

"I'm bleeding." Mimi said in pain.

"I can see that…" Izzy said holding her hand lightly. "Stay still."

Mimi looked up at him observing his face as he concentrated on stopping the blood and putting a band aid on. "Thank you" she said softly still looking at him.

He looked at her. "Yeah you're welcome." Then he turned away quickly to get back to their work. "Can you hand me the onion and knife…carefully."

She nodded even though he wasn't looking and handed it to him. Then watched as he carefully chopped it up. He caught her staring and looked at her but she quickly turned away and faced her book.

Kari waited outside sitting on a bench taking pictures of her surroundings. She wasn't exactly pleased when she found out that Tai had gotten detention on the first day and she was going to have to wait after school for him.

She caught a glimpse of a pretty flower bed and zoomed in to take a picture of it when she heard a voice. "Hey"

Kari turned around to see the blonde boy from earlier behind her. "Hello" she said shyly.

"What are you doing?" he asked looking at the camera.

Kari looked at it. "Oh well everything's so new here…I thought I'd take some pictures."

The boy nodded. "I'm Tk by the way."

Kari looked back up at him. "I'm Kari"

"Yeah um sorry about my friend Davis earlier, he's just like that." Tk told her.

Kari smiled. "It's okay."

"Kari!" The two turned to see bushy haired Tai running towards them. "Sorry I'm late, you know how it gets though it school."

"How on earth did you already get detention?" she asked.

Tai shrugged. "Me and a friend were drawing pictures of the teacher and apparently he doesn't think we have skill."

Kari rolled her eyes. "Well we better go. Nice to meet you Tk." she said to the disappointed looking blonde boy. He waved goodbye as Kari dragged Tai to the car.

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