Chapter 4: Shakespeare overwelms

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Kari walked to her seat to see Erin and her friends glaring at her. She felt a sickening feeling inside of her. She saw Tk sitting with his friends talking and wondering how far this Erin girl would go to keep her away from him.

The teacher walked in. "Today we are starting a Shakespeare unit of Romeo and Juliet. I want you as student to understand the way they spoke. So today I'm going to have students come up to the classroom and speak out some of the dialogue from the play anyone care to go first."

Kari couldn't help but smile at the fact that no one volunteered.

"How about you miss Kamyia." the teacher said.

"Me?" she asked pointing to herself only to hear a snicker from Erin and her friends.

"Yes you." the teacher said. "Let's go."

Kari walked up in front of the room nervously.

"Okay now you Tk come up here as well."

Tk's friends whistled to be funny as Tk walked up. He stared into Kari's eyes smiling.

The teacher told them what to read and Kari felt nervous with all eyes in the room watching her, including Tk's. Only most were glaring instead of looking at her sweetly like Tk was.

Kari took a deep breath and started. "Hist! Romeo, hist! O, for a falconer's voice, To lure this tassel-gentle back again! Bondage is hoarse, and may not speak aloud; Else would I tear the cave where Echo lies, And make her airy tongue more hoarse than mine, With repetition of my Romeo's name."

"It is my soul that calls upon my name: How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night,Like softest music to attending ears!" Tk repeated glancing down but then back in her eyes.

"Romeo!" Kari spoke staring back at him.

"My dear?" it flowed so naturally off his lips to her.

"At what o'clock to-morrow Shall I send to thee?"

"At the hour of nine." Tk told her.

"I will not fail: 'tis twenty years till then. I have forgot why I did call thee back." she could barely see everyone in the room around her now. All she could see was him.

"Let me stand here till thou remember it." Tk said and the teacher came over clapping.

"Very good this is the kind of real English speech we want to here. Thank you kids you can go sit down." the teacher said.

Kari nodded feeling strange inside. She walked back to her seat feeling the glares of Erin and her friends on her. And feeling the warmth and blushing on her face.

"You know you could help." Izzy commented as Mimi sat at the lab station texting.

"What's the point? You'll do better without me." she commented still feeling crappy from the day before. Besides the fact that she hadn't eaten anything in 24 hours due to her friends calling her fat. Well not fat but saying she needed to loose weight.

"Still you could offer." Izzy said.

"Last time I offered I ended up cutting my finger."

"That's because you didn't give me a chance to help you."

"I don't need help." she said glaring off into space.

Izzy shook his head. "I don't get people like you."

Mimi looked at him. "People like what?"

"People that belittle themselves because they think that makes them popular and cool. It's so pathetic. You people could do so much more with your lives but you choose to be cruel people." he told her not blinking an eye.

"You don't get it." Mimi told him. "I am going to do a lot with my life. I'm going to be a model and it takes a lot of hard work to be that."

"Yeah tons. Starving yourself and acting like a witch." he said rolling her eyes.

"You'll never understand." she told him. She watched at the figures he was writing down. "How do you even understand that?"

"It's called studying."

"It's called I have a life."

"The mall isn't a life." he told her writing more data down.

"Wow you just love to hate me." she told him annoyed.

"Sorry usually people who nearly tackle me in hallway and call me a nerd I bow down to." he said sarcastically.

"I just don't get you. You're the only one who doesn't like me you know." she said.

He looked up at her. "Do you honestly believe that? Seriously people may not say it to your face but they don't like you. You're not a nice person Mimi."

"Wow way to be subtle…"

"Sorry" he said shrugging.

She felt an icky feeling in her stomach. 'Mean?' was she that horrible? First she was fat now she was mean? Wow this was not turning out to be a good year.

He clearly saw her hurt facial expression because he looked at her regretfully. "I'm sorry…I didn't mean to upset you…it's just you need to treat people better."

She nodded sadly happy when the bell rang.

Tai ran up to Sora after class. "So Sora you know I heard of this pizza joint down town want to go Friday night?"

Sora rolled her eyes at him. "You never quit do you?"

"Nope so you should go out with me."

"Listen Tai." she said. "I don't want to go out with anyone right now."

Tai pouted teasingly. "Not even me?"

"You just don't get it." she said sighing and walking away.

Matt walked up to his friend. "So you're into Sora huh?" he said.

"Yeah well she's not into me." Tai told him.

"Don't take it personally man. I'm not surprised she won't date anybody. Not after what happened last year." he said sighing.

"What happened last year?" Tai asked confused.

Matt shrugged. "I'd rather not say anything. The last thing people need is something to talk about again. If she want's to she'll tell you."

"Hmm" Tai said watching Sora go to her locker and put some books away.

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