Chapter 16: Psycho after Me

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"Jill!" Kari yelled hugging her old friend.

"Oh Kari I'm so glad you came! Gosh we've missed you soooo much. But I'm sure your new school loves to have you. Oh who's this?" Jill asked bubbly and friendly.

"Hi I'm Yolie." Yolie said shaking the girls hand.

"This is my friend from my new school, hope you don't mind that I brought her." Kari said smiling missing her friends.

"Oh of course not." Jill said waving it off. "The more the marrier. Hey Anna come here, it's Kari!"

"Kari!" Anna said running over and hugging the girl. "I've missed you sooo much like you won't even believe."

Kari smiled missing the friends from her old school. They were nice and she certainly didn't have problems with them.

"Wow Kari I didn't know you were so popular!" Yolie said joking around.

"Of course she is, isn't she there?" Anna said but before the question could be answered she was dragging Kari over to more friends. Kari turned to make sure Yolie was okay, Yolie being the social butterfly she was, was already chatting it up with a bunch of people Jill had introduced her to.

"So guess what?" Anna said excitedly.

"What?" Kari asked.

"Eek Jack asked me out!" she told her friend jumping up and down.

"What you've been trying to go out with him for years!" Kari said happy for her friend.

"I know! I guess he finally realized that I was the right girl for him. Took him long enough, but I guess the best relationships are worth the wait. I learned to never give up Kari, no matter what true love will pervail." she held her heart looking like she had just walked out of a disney movie.

"Never give up..." Kari said more to herself than to Anna.

"Yup!" Anna said happily. "I'm thirsty." they headed for refreshments as Kari poured herself some Diet Coke. "So what about you?" Anna asked. "How's the new school?"

"Let's just say different." Kari said sighing. "I miss you guys."

"Your friend Yolie seems cool." Anna commented nodding her head towards the purple haired girl dancing with quickly formed friends.

"She's what keeps me through the day." Kari said laughing. "Really new school equals awful."

Anna frowned. "I'm sorry...I feel sad now that I'm all happy while you're sad."

Kari smiled. "It's fine! Come on let's go dance with everyone else!" she dragged Anna over too the dance floor after putting her drink down on the table.


Davis and Tk were playing video games at Tk's. Davis groaned as Tk beat him for the third time in a row.

"Dude what the heck? You've been like training in the video game arts!" Davis commented throwing the controler down.

"Aww don't be a sore loser." Tk said brushing his shoulder like he was cool.

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