Chapter 27: Revenge

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Sora watched from afar with Yolie as Mimi danced with Izzy and Tk danced with Kari. Matt was up doing his dj thing pretty much acting like he was the coolest guy in the room. And then there was Tai, standing across the room talking to some of his soccer buddies.

"Why don't you ask him to dance?" Yolie asked.

"Who said I wanted to dance with him?"

"You're staring..."

"Well how could you not have you seen how much hair the kid has?"

Yolie gave her a look. "Deny it all you want but you like him and he likes you. Do you really want to stand around waiting while he moves on? This isn't the 1800's girls can ask guys now a days."

Sora shrugged. "Maybe later, but just as friends."

"Well he's coming over."

"Huh." Sora turned around nervously as Tai approached them.

"Hey guys." he said smoothly.

"Hi oh darn I forgot I have to use the bathroom. Bye." Yolie said taking off as Sora glared after her.

"How do you forget something like that?" Tai asked confused.

Sora smirked. "I don't know. Are you having a good time?"

"Yeah I guess. Are you?"

"Sure" she said nodding slowly. "Uh Tai look I..." Sora began only to be interuppted by a girl being pushed by her friends over to Tai giggling.

"Hi" she said shyly. "Would you like to dance?"

Sora's heart fell as the pretty girl flirted with Tai. Her Tai. Well he wasn't hers but still...

"Sure" Tai said shrugging. "I'll see you in a few 'k Sora?"

Sora nodded face hot and jealousy filling her body. How could he dance with her? She turned quickly and looked around the room. She saw a good looking dark haired boy standing at the other end of the room. Without thinking she walked right up to him. "Dance with me?"

The boy smirked. "Sure."

Sore place her arms around the boys neck. She had totally let her jealousy get the better of her but she refused to ever admit that. She didn't even know why it bothered her so much, but seeing Tai with another girl stung her, bad.


"Thanks again for the necklace, Tk." Kari said smiling with a blush on her face.

Tk smiled. "Anytime. I'm just glad this whole Erin thing is over and now we can be happy together."

Kari held Tk tightly smiling wider then she had in a long time.


"I sense drama." Mimi said looking over at Sora and Tai dancing, but with different people.

Izzy looked over from his dancing position with Mimi. "Oh I'm sure this will turn out great..." he said sarcastically.

"Should we step in?"

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