20 - getting ready for a date

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Before the chapter begins I would like to address the long period of time that I haven't published this chapter. I had it all done A week ago but all I need to do was proofread it.

There are a few reasons why I haven't published until now:

• college
• I have been busy with romance. Your weirdo author has been deep in that romantic feels. How fun.

•this chapter doesn't show it but I been improving my writing skills. How fun your stupid creepyperson can't even spell but still tries to improve her none existing writing skills.

• I have been working on a huge idea for a story. A new story? What is this about? What is going to happen to this one? It will end one day in the near future and your boi enjoyed the theme of mystical creatures so much that it turning down that path. We are making progress to better stories and more creativity.

Now for you can have your chapter.

I got home with vincent and I flopped onto the couch tired.

"Hun, lie with me."I clapped trying to get his attention. He only looked at me with a focused look. He is a man with a plan. His eyes sparkled with hopefulness and enjoyment.

He slowly walked towards me and lifted me and over his shoulder. I dangled over him as he held onto my legs.

"Vincent, what are you doing?" I asked him, bewildered by his actions.

Vincent walked to our room as he dropped me on our bed and left to go to the bathroom.

"What are you up to?" I got up and followed him. I watched him begin running a bath. He gave me that look of love and care.

"I am bathing you. I got somewhere to show you later." He smiled and gently pulled mine into his warm loving embrace. I forgot he was taking me on a date, which he planned all by himself. He is an impressive creature to be able to adapt to his new environment so quickly.

I watched him watch the bath. I got bored quickly so began getting towels ready but vincent. "Let me, doll." He was trying to impress me by how helpful can be. I would love him matter what.

- Later -

I got out of the bath with Vincent. He covered a towel around me before wrapped on around himself. His hair was down and dripping. I grabbed a towel and around my hair. Vincent shook his head, letting the water from his hair go everywhere.

"Oh damn it. Don't do that. I'll dry your hair." I know he didn't like doing his hair because I touch his sensitive spot.

"No, I can dry my hair." He whined as pulled in to our bedroom. I pushed him to got my brush, a towel and my hairdryer. He looked scared.

"Hun, I am going to dry it. Not cut it off." I petted his shoulders, trying to relax him.

"Fine but don't touch my head too hard." He said.

"I won't, promise." I ran my fingers from his chest to his back as I got behind him. I started to gently drying his hair. I was barely touching his head. He seemed relaxed and calm as I gently dried his hair with the towel.

I began to brush his hair, gently. It tensed up and kept shifting around like a child in a line.

"Hun, stop." I swag an arm around to get him to stay calm. "It is ok. I'll stop. You got nice and lovely hair." I gently rested my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck gently.

"The brush tickles." He said, gripping my hand and kissing it. I clenched onto him tightly, using all my strength to hold him still as I began to pet him.

"Stop" He tried to stop me.

"Calm down and let me as a reward for how amazing you are." I kissed his shoulder and kept on petting him.

Vincent's face went red and started to stop struggling. He proceeded to lean on me and settling all his weight to the point I lay underneath him but I was still fondling his head.

Vincent flipped around so he facing on top of me. He kissed me passionately as I continued to pet him. He softly got my hand and held it. His lips were as soft as clouds and his touch was heavenly. Even if I tried to push him away my body couldn't. I loved his kisses and loved him.

He pulled away with a smirk.

"Can we skip the date~" I held on to him with a smirk.

"No, I planned a great night." Vincent got off me and stood up.

I watched him get himself dried. I couldn't help staring at him. This deep terrible feeling bubbling in my gut made me want to keep him close like something terrible is about to happen. I'm being stupid. I am worried too much about him and he doing fine and he can hand living in with him just fine.

"What's wrong?" Vincent asked me, getting himself dressed in casual clothing.

"Nothing just worried that is all." I smile calmly and began adjusting myself for our date. I was so excited to see what is going to happen. He told me nothing. He has been discussing to sparky and mike all day and I slightly worried that they filled his head with.

"Hun, don't be worried. It will be fine." I felt his touch against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. Feeling his warm, addictive embraced around me. His thin lips against my neck, lightly kissing me.

"Where are we going?" I really need to know or else is going to trouble my mind until we get there. It not like he is going to lead me to my death or anything. I just want to know so badly.

"You will see soon." He held me close to him. Eyes down at me and arms so warm that I never want him to let go. But he did. He did let go of me to allow me to get dressed.

I proceeded to fix myself and prepare myself for the night ahead of us. We haven't been on a date before because my worrying about his safety. My worrying doesn't help him.

There was a loud and soft knock on the door. I freaked out as vincent went down to answer the front door. What do I do? Dori let him answer? Should I get it? My mind was so caught up about stuff.

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