- 3 - Morning Breakfast Deals

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(chapter title sounds like you have more than one breakfast like you have morning breakfast and afternoon breakfast.)

Very early Morning - (y/n)'s POV-.

I was woken up by a nightmare. I instantly looked at my legs and held them close to my chest as I was in Vincent's arms on his floor with him. He slept peacefully. The moon was still up in the sky but ready to hide in the distant.

I looked at my side to make sure that I am not falling apart like before. My heart was rasing as my nightmare was still haunting my mind. Nothing was one my side just the scar that was left over from before.

I got up and walked out of Vincent's room, quietly so I don't wake him up. My mind was bombed with worries and stress. The company isnt doing so good and the nightmare about Vincent aren't help me. I just need a drink and few long deep breaths to clear my clouded mind. I dragged my self to the kitchen and got a cup. I used little effort to fill it up with water. I stared out of the windows.

This place seems empty at night. I know there is people in the main room doing the nightshift and all. The silence and the darkness filled the room with a lonesome emptiness. I took a drink from my water and watched as sky as time clocked by...



... The clock in the kitchen played.

"Darling?" I jumped as I heard Vincent's tired drawn voice. He stood right behind him. His hand slivered arong me as he rested his head on my shoulder. I felt his gently lips pressed against my neck.

"Vincent, I am sorry for waking you up." ai said with slight afraidness in my voice. My mind goes back to the dream. I love Vincent but right now my mind is conflicted by the nightmare. If the company does shut down. Vincent would have to live with me and he wouldn't have good enough amount of space

"you didn't wake me up, darling" He made me feel safe within his warm arms. "what is wrong? You aren't ill are you?" he cared about me and made sure that I was safe.

"I am fine. I had a nightmare but I don't remember much. So nothing to worry about." I lied. I took a gulp of my water and looked at sky.

"come back to my room. We can sleep on the bed instead of for if you want." Vincent was sightly dragging me. It was adorable how much he wanted to sleep and be with me. So I quickly finished my water and put the cup in the sink. I allowed Vincent to carry me away to his den.

My eyes shut right my my mind went to Dream land.

- later -

I woke up alone. I slowly lifted up and yawned. The room was breather than daylight and very silent. So silent that my words were forced to silence.

I felt like I was being watched. It could be Vincent? Could be the camera? Could be Vincent messing around? I got out of bed and walked around. Could be someone looking through the camera? However, nobody should be here until 7 and the night shift ended at 6. Wait what time is it?

"Vincent? Stop playing around?" I called out. Nothing. No hisses. No breathing but my own.

I got up and walked to the door and opened to see Vincent with breakfast. He held a bowl of mixed fruits.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be up so I don't want to have food waiting when you are asleep and I don't want to walk you up if I did make breakfast for you." He stood and stared at me and made a hissing sound.

"It is fine. I can just go out and buy breakfast." I said, stretching.

"No. We can share. Let me take care of you." Vincent said wantting me to stay.  He walked to me and sat on the bed next to me.

"thank you." I took a fruit and ate it with a smile. It was nice Vincent eating something. He refuses to eat anything i make. I gave him cooked chicken. The already cooked ons that you buy from a curtain area of a shop. He doesn't eat. He eats when his hunger is annoying him but this time it seems like he is eating on his own and not out of frustration.

"can we share a kiss, My love?~" Vincent asked.

"eat up before you get frustrated because of your hunger. You make me worry sometimes." I told him.

"why?" Vincent looked at me with a confused look.

"Your always hungry and i think that your going to end up staving to death. You tend to try and eat Mike, fritz and  even Jeremy." I pointed.

"but I haven't. I can't control my instinct to protect myself when I feel threatened." He told me with a little attitude towardrd me.

"Why? Why can't you take me word that they are nice and harmless people. Mike can but iffy when he is in a mood but nothing bad. You are safe." I tried calm him down a bit. I can tell he felt uneasy. He didn't like being accused.

"I trust you. Don't be mad at me. Now how about that kiss." He changed to subject.

"eat." I grabbed a bunch of fruit and shoved them into Vincent's mouth. I covered his mouth to preventing him from spitting out his food "eat for kisses." It was probably wrong to focus feed him but it seemed the only option. He did eat the fruit in his mouth but also pin me down to the bed.

"now the kisses. You kiss me and I will eat. Deal?" He smirked. I felt like a helpless rabbit. Even though he was in his human form he grip on my arms felt like he was squeezing me with his tail.

"You need food mostly not kisses." I said. I have him a small kiss on the cheek. "please let go." His grip was hurting me. Vincent kissed me quickly and let go of me.

"You need to eat. If you eat, I eat." He said.

"Good point. Okay deal." I grabbed a hand full of fruit and ate them slowly.
Vincent copied me as he just watched me.

We spent good while eating. I was proud I got him to eat something.


Question of the chapter:
Snakes eat their pair whole. What happens to the bones of that animal?
Do they dispose of the bones by the back end? What happens to the bones? Life's biggest mistory.

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