9 - Pain

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I found my self crying pain as I woke up. My side felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside and by a axe. My heart raced ad I began to panic. I pushed away from Vincent's embrass and got out of bed. The pain was like someone was trying to rip into my hip. I rushed to the bathroom. To afraid of what Vincent would do if he seen me panicking.

I looked at my hips to see blood. Lot of it. Tears ran down my face as it kills me. It was physically ripping me apart.
Last time I felt like this was when I was a Naga trying to keep my humanity but also slowly dying because someone was stupid enough to turn a human into a Naga. That stupid king.

Out of pure rage I slided everything that was on my sink onto the floor. I don't understand why is my side killing me? Why am I dying?

Vincent must never know. I can try to hide the pain and stuff. Maybe I could survive and I could live happy with Vincent masking the pain.
I must mask the pain hide the injury.

The neckless may help me but the feeling of being murdered and true loneliness isn't best but it is better than actully dying.

I got out bandages and tightly patched my hip up. It hissed in pain as i tried to make it as tight as possible.

"Darling?" I jumped at Vincent weakly calling for me. I can't go out naked with bandages on. He isn't stupid. He can see that I am hurt. I hate lying to him but he can't fix this so why bother telling him. I Look at my self in the mirror and then cleaned my face. Wash away any worries. I need to relax and pretend like nothing is happening.

"Hello, love" I heard and left Vincent behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I enjoyed being around him. His loving hugs and this feeling in my heart when i am around him. It like a burning passion of love.

"Morning. Sleep well?" I asked him. He nodded and watched me as I began brushing my teeth. Sleeping was great after sex with him.

"I spelt well. What is going to happen to day? " Vincent asked.  It nice to know that he spelt well but I never planned what to do with on my days off like today. It would be great to just watch TV and snuggle up to him all day. I can't do anything bad or wrong if I am attached to him. Physically and emotionally.

"we are just going to spend time together. Maybe TV. I'll make breakfast and we can sit down stairs and watch a movie or something." I told him with a smile as i finnished up cleaning my teeth. Then swang around to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Okay but why not go on a walk with me. To the woods maybe, or somewhere that I can sliver around." Vincent suggested. I thought about it. And I don't want him getting discovered by others.

"No. We can't risk you get found out about." I said stressing about his well being and I don't want him to get taken away. I don't to be alone.

"I have already been discovered by you." He said with a good point but an invalid point. "I can't stand it being in doors all day and night. I miss home. I miss outside." He let go of me and I sighed.

"You are asking to much... I -"
"It only about what you want. I trying my best to deal with how you live like. I am not a pet for you to keep inside. Can we please go somewhere outside." He got slightly angry as i felt him give up on trying. He pulled me away from him and left me alone in a mood.

"Vincent?" I followed him as he got his boxers on and put his hair up. I being selfish. I need to give him what he wants not just what i want. Watching him pounder the room feeling trapped.

"What if you get hurt? Or what if you get ill?" I tried to question the other possablitiy. I too afraid to watch him put himself in danger because he wants to go outside to the woods.

"You are ment to my lover not a fucking owner. Why can't you see the issue that i hate being inside. Stop thinking about the things that could happen with everything. You allow me to do anything with the possibility of my getting hurt. Yet when I ask you to go out. You think of any excuse not to. What are you really afraid of." He was angry, frustrated and has a good point.

"I not afraid. I just trying to keep you safe." I got close to him but hissed at me and stood back. Does he feel threatened? Why is he keeping his distance from me?

"Why bother? Why care at all? You seem to love thinking i am stupid. I understand. You are busy and you are stress but a walk in the woods could calm our nerves." Vincent stepped more back as he grabbed my phone and didn't get far on it. Password.

"I love you that is why i bother everyday to make you feel happy and cared for. I don't know if you can feel love but I love you and I care. That is why i am worried about what could happen. Maybe I being stupid? Maybe you don't understand that fucking unbareable feeling that i have towards you. I wouldn't take you him or stayed with you. I wouldn't have saved your life." I began to tear up. What if it was all for nothing. If I am just wasteing my time on him when he might not feel the same.

I just left the room and allowed him free roam around ny home. I locked all windows and doors that leds to outside. I felt like a idiot. Of course he feels emotions. He wouldn't have save or cared for me.

Time for breakfast.

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