Chapter 2

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"Honey, I'm dropping you of at the Grier's for the night" my mom rings


I haven't properly introduced myself.

Jamie Hayden.

I get changed into my teddy bear crop top and black leggings with uggs with cute bows on the back.


I knock on the door and Nash opens it.

"Hey Jamie Lynn" he says, with a grin

"Hey. I'm dumped here for the night. Sorry for the late notice... Parent problems..." I say, fast

"That's fine. Mom is out with Skylynn anyways" he says looking down

"Anything Wro-o-ong?" I ask slowly

"Just got out of a breakup with Candice." he says sadly.

My sister.

Yes, my sister is dating Nash

Well "was"

I put my bag down in the guest room and hear Hayes in the other room

"998, 999" he says frantic

He's probably playing some stupid Xbox game.

I walk in surprising him, because he dropped the controller

"Really?!" he says grumpy

"Oh one high score isn't going to kill you Mr,"I say, with smirk.

He gets up and gives me a small hug

"Wanna go outside? its not supposed to rain for two hours, might as well take advantage" he says looking out the window

"Manhunt?" I say

"You're on" he says, smirking.

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