Chapter 3

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"I'm gonna find you, Hayes" I say laughing

We've been playing for about an hour.

I find him behind a tree, on his phone.

"Seriously? you're going to become a junkie and never talk to anyone ever again in person" I say, annoyed

"Sorry" he mumbles

Well, this was going to be an interesting night.


Nash ordered pizza for us

Nash is so quiet. I feel bad.

I text Candence.

Wtf is wrong with you dumping Nash?

She replies

I saw him kissing another girl.



I shut my phone off

It's 10:00 and I get into my pajamas.

I snuggle into the guest room and watch Full House reruns.

I soon get a text


-"Hey.... I'm sorry about earlier.. "

I frown and text back:

Don't worry bout it Hayes!

I shut my phone off and switch the channel to spongebob.

I hear a knock on the door

"Come in" I say quietly

It's Hayes

"Hi. Um... There's a spider in my room..." Hayes says frowning, trying not to laugh

"You're kidding me" I say flat

I always have to do the manly stuff around here


"Where's the spi-"

I'm cut off by Nash and Hayes jumping on my back

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM" I scream, laughing

"We needed a laugh" Hayes said

"Well you're welcome and can I please watch tv in peace?" I say, annoyed

"Actually, Moms friend is staying over, so you kinda sorta have a choice to sleep on the top bunk, or the bottom bunk in Nash's room" Hayes says

I always had this strange fear of getting crushed when I'm sleeping on The bottom bunk

So I take the top bunk in Hayes' room.

I bring everything up there and I start to watch Friends on my phone

Moments later, Hayes speaks up.

"Um" he says

"Ummm" I say back

"I am going to be touring around the USA this year and..." He starts off

"Oh," i say.

"I won't get to see you for a long time"


I don't respond.

Then I hear someone climbing up the ladder to the top bunk


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