Chapter 9

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A/N: I hope your enjoying the book!


The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it" I say, even though no one is home.

It's Hayes, carrying a bowl of popcorn.

I smile and give him a big hug.

"Thanks," he whispers "I really needed this"

I nod and we head down to my basement.


"What movie?" I ask Hayes, while scanning through the list.

"Forest Gump?" He asks

"Sure" I say

It's not my favorite movie but.. whatever..

Hayes and I are snuggled up with blankets on the couch.

Then I feel something on my chest.

I look down, and see Hayes sleeping on my chest.

Oh great

(I love how she hates their mushy moments and like ignores it like he's a piece of garbage)

I look down at him, his brown hair all messed up, his face red from crying.

I stroke some of his hair away from his eyes.

Oh shoot Jamie, what did you just do!

I blush, and pretend that I'm sleeping.

"Wha-" I hear him groggily say

I look down at him, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry for falling asleep I was just really ti-" I cut him off.

"It's okay, I remember my breakup. I would sleep for like, ever" I whisper.

"And you were there for me, so this is the least that I can do" I say, smiling.

He gets up and sits next to me on the couch.

"I have a gymnastics meet tomorrow, wanna come?" I ask

"Sure. I don't have a football game tomorrow" he says.

We finish watching the movie, finishing two bags of popcorn.


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