Chapter 10

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A/N: Hi 💁 Shoutout to my friend Natalia😉


"Come on Jamie!" I hear my coach yell as I round to the beam.

You can do this.

I breathe in and smile at the judges, then I glance to Hayes, Candice, and my parents.

"Good Luck" I see Hayes mouth to me.

I wink at him

I start.

Press handstand

Then your ballet moves.

Perfect your straddle jump.

Now it's time for your dismount.

I glare at Alice, who is cheering me on in the background.

I jump back, springing into my back handspring step out and finish my dismount.

Then I go into my full off the beam.

I land a little wobbly, but sturdy.

I smile and walk off to give my coach a hug.

Then I meet up with my parents

"Great job!" they both say, pulling me into a hug.

After the meet, I hang out with Candice and spend "sister" time with her.

"You guys seriously need to get back together" I say, as I take a handful of chips.

"I don't know" she says, "it's hard to start over"

I sigh and walk to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"We're still friends" she says, awkward.

"Suree" I say

I know they want to kill each other.

I've been through the same thing.

"What about you and Hayes?" Laura says, smirking.

"What about us?" I say, staring at her.

"Are you guys dating?" She says, clapping her hands like she's five.

"Um no" I say in disgust. I take a swig of my water. "He just broke up with Ashley"

"Oh" she says. Her smile fades.


"Wake up" I hear my mom coax into my ear.

"Ermagerbstolivasd" I murmer.

"School" she says, shaking me to get up.

"Okay" I say, annoyed.

I get up, not feeling well.

I'm dizzy and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I drink some water and get changed.

I put some mascara on because... I don't know.

I braid my hair and walk downstairs.

"Mom I don't feel good" I groan.

She walks over to me and feels my forehead.

"Ooh your warm" she says, worried.

"I think your staying home today"she says, pointing to the couch.


I change into my pajamas and search for movies on Netflix.

"Drink plenty of fluids. Call me if you need anything" my mom says, walking out the door.

"Bye" I moan.

I hate being sick.

I always keep a salad bowl nearby to throw up in, because... um.. yeahhhh...

Venus comes upstairs, with a dead squirrel in her mouth.

"Oh God Venus" I say, disgusted.

"Don't even think about jumping on top of-" but I'm too late.

She jumps right onto my stomach.

"Nooo" I say, and grab the salad bowl.

I threw up my pizza from last night.


After I got rid of the dead squirrel, I let Venus curl up by my feet on the couch.

I fed Stormy and brushed her earlier, so she's good.

I throw up again, and again and again.

When there's nothing left to throw up, I finally stop.

Drink plenty of fluids

I stumble to the fridge and take out water.

I guzzle a whole bottle down.

After, I get tired of the couch so I go up to my room to take a nap.

When I'm about to fall asleep, I hear something hit my window.


I think it's just my imagination.

I put my uggs on and walk to my balcony.

I open the window and see several rocks lying on the floor.

"What?" I mumble, confused

"Down here"

I see Hayes standing in my driveway.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I ask him, curious.

"I faked being sick" he shrugs.

"Well I am actually sick" I say, walking back to my window to go back inside.

"Wait" I hear him say

"Yes?" I say, grumbling.

"I need to show you something. Meet me down here" he says.

"Ugh Hayes, your so annoying" I groan.

He just laughs.

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