Our destiny part 1

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"Please amma... try to understand me.., i... i can't marry him" She pleaded her mother .

"Tell the exact reason, Why can't you marry him" Her mother raised her voice.

"Because He is my sister husband.. god damm it" She yelled.

"But.. she's no more" reasoned her mother in same tone.

" That's what i'm saying.... my sister is no more... i don't understand one thing... it's just one month since my sister lost her life and You people are in a hurry to make another marriage to your son-in-law... don't you have any shame..." She said furiously but next second her mother hand landed on her cheek.

"Don't you dare to speak like that" said her mother slapping her.

She touched her burning cheek and looked at her mother with wide eyes, who is now fuming in anger..

"What do you think about ourselves... hann.... Do you forgot how much we love her... she is my daughter also... it's not easy for us to do this but we are doing... do you know why" she asked her daughter.

But she didn't said anything just looking at her mother, she went near crib and took sleeping baby in her arms and stood in front her daughter

"See for him.... only For the sake of him" she said showing baby to her.

"Only for him we are doing all this... because we don't want to see my daughter's son grown up without mother and mother's love... that's why we want you became his mother, marrying his father... because we can't trust other women with my grandchild" She said and placed the one month baby boy in ground and start to go but stopped and again faced her daughter.

"She loved you more then anyone... If you want your sister son survive... agree for this marriage or else don't touch him"

She said and lef from there leaving her in her own thoughts. She collapsed on her floor on her knees.

  She collapsed on her floor on her knees

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Dr. Satvika...

Satvika ramaswami. The only daughter of Janaki and Ramaswami. A sweet, fun loving cute and innocent modern girl. Completed her internship in one of the best hospital in chennai. Her life was going very smooth until her cousin sister Sravani's death. Sravani is her peddananna Rajendra's daughter and her mother radha, two years elder than her. One month back sravani died after giving birth to a baby boy. Satvika was broken hearing the news.

She can't believe that she lost her sister, her friend, her guide, her strength. Sravani and Satvika grown up together, they very close to eachother since childhood, their bond is more stronger than siblings. When she was in broken state her family gave her a biggest shock in her life throwing a marriage proposal on her. It's just one month after her sister death and They want her to get marry, that too her sister husband. How can she marry him.. he is her sister's husband.. no.. it's not right...

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