Our destiny part 12

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"Stop... your nonsense jaanu... just tell me When are you returning " yelled neeraja over the phone.

"I'm not coming. I don't have guts to face him after what happened between us. I... i just couldn't, please try to understand me neeru" Said satvika

" hell with your theory.  Like seriously jaanu... You both are husband and wife god damm it.  and  it's a natural in between husband and wife out of love. Then What's your problem" asked neeraja frustrated.

"He don't love me neeru.  I know He never love me. He just has pity on me not love and that night what happened between us is not because of love. It's just out of pity. he want to save me. That's it. And because of that i don't want him to feel guilty by staying there. I don't have any right to because i'm also betrayer. I betrayed my sister" said satvika controlling her tears.

"Argh.. not again....  you know what satvika... you are totally out of your mind. You left from here all of sudden without informing anyone. Do you actually have any idea in which condition pritvi is here now. every minutes he is asking about you...  you...  you only.  He is literally gone mad for you. Please jaanu don't do this to him. To you. Please don't ruin your beautiful relation because of your over thinking. Pritvi loves you jaanu...  he loves you soo much"

"I wish...  you words are true but sadly it's not" Said satvika and ended the call not hearing neeraja's pleadings outside. She throw her phone and burst in tears remembering that day.


Satvika was looking ceiling thinking about something. Smile didn't leaving her lips. She is smiling like idiot with no reason maybe had. She don't have any idea why she woke up at this hour. But she couldn't go back to sleep. Sleep is far away from her. Her  body temperature is subside now like outside rain giving relief to her. Thanks to her husband who gave her his warmth. Suddenly She felt tickling sensations on neck. She turned to that side and found her husband sleeping peacefully hugging her. Pritvi right hand is around her waist tightly snuggling to crook of her neck. His breath falling on her neck making her ticklish.

Satvika tried to get up but pritvi tightened his grip around making her difficult to move. She laydown back not having energy to win over him. She smiled seeing his possessiveness. And then the images of him loving her flashed in her mide. Her cheek turned into deep red thinking that she was no longer virgin now. He took the most precious thing of her but surprisingly she's not sad nor angry on him for taking it. In fact she feeling happy incredibly happy. Her insecurities tried to disturb her but shushed them away feeling this movement.

Satvika looked at wall clock and it's showing four in the morning. So she have a lot of time. But she was so bored. She again faced her husband who is in deep slumber and slowly raised her hand touching his cheek. She start playing with his already messy hair messing them again. She is happy being loved by her husband. She giggled lightly seeing him making faces in his sleep. Maybe he having some dream. She kissed his forehead and cheeks smiling. She don't know what and why she doing this but she enjoying doing this. But her happiness did not last long.

"I'm sorry...  i'm sorry sravani" murmured pritvi. Her smile faded away.

"Please forgive me sravani" Satvika's heart break into pieces hearing his words. Tears rolling down from her eyes.

She was happy till now thinking her husband loves her but he regrating it. But why because he doesn't love you said her mind. Your right he never love me, he love his sravani. He just has pity on me to seeing me suffering with fever tried save me that's it. It's my foolishness to think his pity as love. I don't want to feel guilty because of this. It's better leave him. She thought and moved  distancing him.

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