Our destiny part 5

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2 months later.

Satvika done two surgery's  and attend a accident cases.  It's just small accident nothing serious to them, they will be alright in few days. After that she checked few other patients. In middle of work she went to see her son whenever she gets time. It's lunch time now. She told neeraja to bring bittu from child care but they are nowhere to see. So she decided  to check.

"Mummy..." Satvika heard neeraja's scream. She feared and rushed to inside but seeing the scene in front of her she start laughing holding stomach. Bittu held neeraja hair in his both fist, pulling her hair with so much force.

"Idiot...  stop laughing and help me " She yelled at satvika who is laughing rolling on floor.

Satvika controlled her laugh and went towards them. Seeing her mother  bittu immediately left her hair and thrown his hands for his mother to left him. She smiled at her son and take him in her arms and kissed his whole face. He start complaining to his mother on neeraj in his baby voice.

"Hey....  little brat, i won't leave you today " Screamed  neeraja.

"Stop screaming neeru.. this is hospital" Said satvika to her.

"Why are you scolding me.. it's you son fault. See what he did with my hair " She said and pinching his cheek.

"He is kid" She stopped her words in middle when Bittu again tried to hold her hair to take  revenge for pinching his cheek but satvika stops him.

" See him... see... Which kid do this type of mess... look at my hair ones. I'm sure if he do like this in few days i will get baldhead and than who will marry me" She start her blabbering. Satvika busy with her son.

"Look here i'm saying my problems and you both are busy with your talks. I'm unwanted here" She pouted,  satvika gave a annoyed look to her.

"I'm cutting my friendship with you" Said neeraja to baby angrily  but he gave his best smile and her anger vanished in air. Neeraja smiled and forward her hands, bittu happily went in her arms.

" Come,  we will have ice cream"  she said and they walked out leaving satvika with open mouth.

Satvika sighed looking at them. Such a tom and jerry they are. Satvika went canteen and saw them eating their meals happily. Neearaja became best friends to bittu. They will fight and next minute they will behave like nothing happened between them. Bittu is such hyper kid, he learning everything so quickly. Satvika is very happy with her life now, she has a adorable son and a supportive husband and a idiot friend. First she angry on pritvi for forcing her to do this job but later her anger replaced with respect when she thought he is thinking about her career.


Pritvi completed his meeting and walked out of his office to pick up his wife and son from hospital. It's his daily routine. He drops them in morning and pick ups in evening. He slowly  addicting to this new life, now he can't imagine his life without them. Their talks, their little fights with him. Bittu always wants her mother for everything as he is totally mamma's boy.

One day he bite his hand when he scold satvika. But it's her mistake, cleaning home she climbed stool to clean top shelf but she lost her balance and about to fall on ground but pritvi catches her in his arms. If he didn't reached correct time, she may broke her bones.  Anger raised in him and he scold her and she made a cry face.  Bittu saw her amma's crying face he went towards his dada and asked him to carry him throwing his hands. Pritvi carried him,  Bittu slowly take his hand and placed it near his mouth, pritvi smiled thinking his son will kissing him but his next move made him scream in pain. He bite him hand hardly printing his full two teeth marks on his hand. Pritvi smiled thinking about them. He reached hospital and parked his car. He got down and walked inside hospital to see his mardal and son. He sat on chair waiting for them to come.

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