Our destiny part 13

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Pritvi came back after ending his call and found house fully silent. That's means everyone went out. Pritvi this is right time to talk with her. He thought and went towards her room. He slowly opened her room door and entered inside silently and found satvika near window looking outside lost in thought. He closed the door without any sound and walked towards her and stood behind her. Feeling someone presence satvika turned and was shocked to see him so close to her.

Satvika lost in his eyes which is showing the pool of emotions. Tears rolling down from her eyes without her permission. Pritvi touched her cheek caressing it and wiped her tears. He can't stop himself seeing her like this. He pulled her in a bone crushing hug, she didn't prevent. She hugged him like her life depend on him. They both felt like home after these days. Only their heart know how badly they want each other. Then suddenly satvika pushed him away realizing what she doing and tried to go from there. Pritvi lost his ability and to fall because of her sudden push but balanced himself and held her hand stopping her. Satvika tried to take her hand from his hold which irked him more. He tightened his grip making her wince in pain. He heard her hiss but didn't released her hand.

"Where are you going" He asked gritting his teeth.

"I... i... Amma is calling me. I have to go" She asked still trying to take her hand.

Pritvi smirked and pulled her towards him. Her eyes widened in surprise as collide with his chest. Satvika looked at him for few second and quickly lower her head not having enough guts to see in his intense eyes. He placed his fingers under chin and raised her head making her look him.

"You don't know how to lie properly so don't even try darling" said pritvi rubbing his nose with her.

"I... i.. am not lying.. really amma is calling" stammered satvika. This close proximity making her weak.

"Is it... hmm.... how can your mother call you when she is not at home" he said making her surprise. He smirked looking at her shocked expression.

"They went temple taking bittu with them. So There is no one at home now except you and me. So stop your lies to go away from me. We need to talk " said pritvi pulling her into his arms.

"I'm not lying bava... amma asked me to do kitchen work before she go. Leave me i have to complete that before she came"said satvika struggling to free herself from his embrace.

"I said we need to talk" Said pritvi in all seriousness. Satvika gulped her saliva seeing him serious. Pritvi closed his eyes to control his anger and took deep breathes. She is irritating him with her behavior.

"What do you want talk. There is nothing to talk. Let me go" said satvika in low voice.

"There are a lot of things we talk about darling. I want to clear everything in between us and i will make that today." said pritvi

" No need of your clarification. I... i understood everything before you say" said savtika sarcastically but Pritvi could sense sadness in her voice.

"Oh... really... you understood everything before i could say. Hmmm... great...  my wife understood my thought before i say that's interesting. So can you please tell me What did you understand about me and about us" said pritvi. Satvika gave him unbelievable look.

"What... why are you looking me like that. You only said i understood everything before you say so i'm asking to tell me what you understood" said pritvi like casually deciding to play with her. Satvika didn't answered him.

"Hmm.. okay leave that. Tell me this. Why did you come here all of sudden that too without telling me" He asked again anger filled in his voice.

" I was missing my son and want to see him" answered satvika in same tone.

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