Our destiny part 7

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Radha sleeping in her room, bittu also with her. He didn't leaving his grandmother even a minute too.  Satvika is in hall waiting for pritvi to come. She called him but his phone is switch off. She called her father he said he left immediately after dropping them. It's midnight now and raining heavily. She is hell worried for him and scared too. She called vinod but he also don't know where he gone. A kind of unwanted thoughts occupying her mind. What if he is in danger. The thought of something happen to him making her heart cry.  when she is edge of crying, she heard calling bell sound. 

Satvika rushed to door opened it. Pritvi stood there with smile on his face. He was completely drenched in the rain. She sighed in relief seeing him safe. She wants to hug him tightly and shout at him where the hell you gone leaving me but something stopped her.

"Where did you go..." Before she complete her sentence. He pulled her into a bone crashing hug.

Pritvi hugged her like his life depends on her. Satvika didn't reacted, she still in shock, her mind stopped working for sometime. But Soon she recovered from shock, she couldn't stop herself from hugging him. She thrown her hands around him leaning into his into his chest. Salty water start coming from her eyes without her concern wetting his already wet shirt. 

"Shh... stop crying...  i'm here" He said in low voice.

He was so lost in his thoughts in beach that he didn't notice how time moved fast. When he decided to go home he checked the time it's already twelve thirty.  He horrified and tried to call her knowing she worried for him but his phone  is dead.

"Jaanu"He called her when he heard her hiccup. He broke the hug and cupped her face.

"Jaanu..... shh... look at me" He made her look him and wiped her tears.

" See I'm fine.... i'm okay...  don't cry please " She controlled her sobs and moved from him.

"I.... I'm sorry..  You are completely drenched go and change.... i will serve your dinner" She said and walked away without waiting his reply. He stood there for sometime smiling at her. He understood she is angry on him.

"I'm not hungry jaanu" He said loud enough to hear her and went their room to change. He went towards his son cribe he is not there. He went to ask her without changing.

"Jaanu Where is bittu" He asked her coming down.

"He is with peddamma in her room" She answered while warming food. He nodded and went to see his son.

He slowly opened the room door not to disturb them and found his son sleeping peacefully hugging his grandmother. He smiled and went to his room. After ten minutes satvika came with food.

"Eat it before it's get cold" She said and placed food on table and went to bathroom.

Satvika came out and saw the food plate still in same place where she left it. She sighed and looked him who is sat on bed checking something in his laptop. He changed his dress but didn't dried his hair,  she can say seeing his wet hair, water drops falling on his face but he was soo lost in his work not paying attention to it. She walked near him and snatched his laptop.  He looked her surprisedly.

"Jaanu give my laptop" He said but she ignored him and placed laptop on chair.

"I said you to eat your food, what are you doing with your laptop " She asked placing her hands on hip.

"Jaanu.. i'm not hungry,  give my laptop  i  have to send important document" He said

"First eat then do your work and  before that dry your hair... see your  shirt It was wet again" She said giving him towel. He didn't take it.

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