Our destiny part 10

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Suddenly Chennai city was welcomed by a heavy rain. Weather reporters said it will continue to another twelve hours. Pritvi sat in his cabin lost in satvika's thoughts. Radha left to their home town two days back taking bittu with her. After a lot of emotional blackmailing drama radha successes to convinced satvika but with conditions. Radha was very happy. But she didn't know about satvika's cold behavior towards pritvi. Pritvi tried to talk with her but she ignoring him and from two days she staying at neeraja place irking him more.

"What's going on Bava " Entered vinod with two coffee cup in his hands breaking his thoughts and settled opposite to him and gave coffee.

"Nothing.... just thinking about your sister. I don't know what's wrong with her, She is not talking with me after that party. whenever i tried to talk with her,  she behaving like i'm not exist there.  And from two days she is staying with neeraja place. What do you want me to do with her" Sighed pritvi.

" What did you do again" Asked vinod raising his eyebrows.  His jovial mode was replaced with serious one.

"Stop blaming me for everything. I swear i really don't have any idea what's her problem" Replied pritvi and walked near to window.

"Stop acting as innocent...  i know about you and my princess too.  She is not a girl, who gets angry on small small issues. I'm sure...  you done something and that's hurt her. Now tell me what did you have done" said  vinod calmly.

"Princess ki chamcha" Murmured pritvi.

"Did you say something" asked pritvi.

"NO.. no.. Nothing..." Pritvi shrugged 

"Okay...  tell me" he said facing.

"I didn't remember anything" whispered pritvi.

"What does that mean,  you didn't remember" Asked vinod confusedly.

" I was drunken that day so i didn't remember anything.... But" Said pritvi

"But" asked vinod curiously. Pritvi looked at him who is waiting for him to continue.

"I will tell you,  but...  please don't get angry" Said pritvi nervously.

"It will depends on your answer" Said vinod causally.

"I'm your friend" Said pritvi to convince him.

"So what..  She is my sister" said vinod in serious tone. Pritvi gulped his saliva looking at his friend who ready to punch him if he said he hurt his sister.

"Pritvi.... Now you really making him angry with your silent" yelled vinod.

"Okay...  ok... Cool Down. I will tell you" Said pritvi. Vinod focused on him.

"See... i really didn't remember what exactly i did. It's just my guess seeing her behavior. It maybe wrong too so don't get me wr.."

"Come to the point" Said vinod interrupting him. Pritvi stopped and looked at him who is giving annoyed looks.  He closed his eyes to gain courage taking a deep breath.

"I think i forced her to consummate our marriage" He said in low voice and waited for his friend outburst but nothing happened like that.

"How can you sure about that" He heard his voice from behind.  He was surprised to see him friend normal.

" What... Are you not angry on me" Asked pritvi surprisedly. Vinod nodded his head as no.

"Why would i. I agree my friend has a anger issues but he never forced a women, even if that women is his wife too" said vinod.  Pritvi smiled lightly.

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