Our destiny part 9

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Satvika opened her eyes when the sun rays fell on her disturbing  her sleep. She tried to move but felt her legs tangled with someone. She looked right side and saw him sleeping. Then everything rushing to her what happened night her cheeks flustered looking at their position. He also half naked like her and Her chest rubbing to his side as she slept on his chest. His legs tangled with her while his hand is around her waist possessively.

She smiled looking at his cute face. But suddenly her smile faded away. She immediately distance from him and went washroom covering herself. She stood in font of mirror looking at her reflection, a fresh salty water made their from her eyes.

"I'm sorry akka... please forgive me" She closed her eyes to control her emotions 

She touched the red marks on her body which is gifted by her husband. She doesn't know how to react, Should she feel happy for her husband's acceptance or sad for betraying her sister. She is in dilemma . She likes him now and before tooo. But now  her feelings changed towards him to more than like. Like love. 

"No... no... this can't be happened.. this  wrong..  this is wrong.... totally wrong" She said to herself splashing cold water on her face.

Satvika came out after taking shower and found him still sleeping. She covered hickey's with the help of make up and got ready to go hospital. She went down and saw her son playing with his toys. Bittu jumped seeing his mother. She smiled and picked him showering him with her kisses and hugged him close her heart. A lonely tear escaped from her eye, thinking about her life. She wiped her tears when she heard radha voice from behind.

"Jaanu..  Where are you going" asked radha seeing her all ready.

"I'm going hospital peddamma"  she said.

"This early" Asked radha confusedly.

"It's emergency...  i have to go" She lied not meeting her eyes. But the truth is, she is escaping from him. She is too scared to face him. Radha found some different in her daughter's behavior today. She looked satvika observing her from head to teo and her eyes catch the mark her neck  which is visible now as satvika' moved a side. Satvika adjust her hair covering it.

"B... bye... peddamma" She stammered and left from there. Radha smiled knowingly  looking at her daughter.


Satvika was feeding bittu, his food. He having his meals happily playing with his toys which gifted by his mother. She came home after, pritvi was left for office. This is continuing from two days. Satvika going to hospital early morning and coming home after confirming that pritvi left to office. And night after every one falls asleep. She relaxed a bit knowing he didn't remembered what happened between them but she is not ready to face him. Pritvi tried to talk with her but she not gave him that chance.

"Mumma... cippy" said bittu with his sleepy voice. She smiled cleaning his mouth and made him sleep on her lap rocking. Radha came there smiling at them and sat next to her.

"Jaanu... i was thinking to go our home for few days " said radha.

"Why peddamma, suddenly " asked satvika surprisedly.

"Not..  suddenly ma... it's been long time since i go there. I want to see everyone" said radha, satvika thought for a while.

"Did you tell bava" She asked nervously.

"Yeah.. I told him yesterday night... he said okay"

"Hmm... When do you want to go" asked satvika.

"Tomorrow" replied radha.

"Hmm okay... i will pack your luggage, come" said satvika and start going to her room taking bittu with her.

"Jaanu... don't forgot to pack bittu things too" Satvika stopped her steps hearing it.

"Why... his things" asked satvika confusedly.

"Because he also coming with me" said radha


"Yeah...  i'm taking him with me. I already asked pritvi and he agreed  but said to tell you" said radha with smile but her smile faded when she saw frown on her daughter face.

"But why bittu" Asked satvika

"Why means! your amma, nanna wants to see him and moreover he didn't came there. So i want take him there once.  Don't worry i will come back in one week" said radha

"One week....  No peddamma, Bittu will be with me. If you want you can go or tell amma to come here to see him but I won't send my son anywhere" Said satvika sternly and walked away making radha's plan failed.

Radha sighed in disappointment looking at her daughter. She is thinking that pritvi and satvika finally happy with each other and the marks on her body confirmed her every doubt. So she decided to go her home town taking bittu with her to give privacy to couple. As per her plan she convinced pritvi to take bittu with her but seems like she has to work hard to convince her daughter.

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