Our destiny part 2

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" Now...  my baby will take bath"said satvika to her son.

"But before that... i will give you oil massage... okay" she said kissing her son, who is looking at her mother confusedly not understanding what she's  saying.
She sat on floor placing him on him on her legs, she poured on his body and start rubbing his body, hands and legs making him relax. Janaki taught how to take care new born baby and as a doctor she also knew few things. After giving good massage, she bathed him which is very difficult task as for as her experience.

She smiled looking at her sleeping son and kissed his tiny hands once before going into washroom to fresh up. After taking good shower she came out and got dressed and went out. It's afternoon now, She saw breakfast and lunch on dining table and can guess who made it  too but right now she's  not in mood to eat, so She went into kitchen and made a good coffee for herself.

Satvika cleaned whole house and arranging everything in it past place. She wants everything in perfect, she don't like it when someone changes things places here to there. After cleaning house she played sometime with her son and slept without her concern. She woke up from sleep hearing calling bell. She's tired now, she checked the time, it already eleven thirty.

"God....  i slept too much" she murmured and looked at her son and found him in deep sleep but in a hour he will awake. It's his daily routine, he wake ups at twelve clock at night and didn't go to sleep till three or four in the morning. Slowly she also accustoming his timings. She got up from bed when she heard door bell and went to open.

Satvika opened the door and frozen at her place seeing the person in front of her. Pritvi was fully drunken, his friend vinod held him support, he is not his Conscious. Satvika shocked seeing him like this, she never saw pritvi taking alcohol before, yeah he drinks alcohol but in limit but today he crossed it. She moved a side giving to vinod,  he bring him inside and directly took him his room and placed him on his bed.

"I'm Sorry.. i tried to stop him but... he.. didn't listened me"  He said to satvika, who's eyes now fixed on pritvi. He went near her and caressed her head with affection.

"Don't worry...  princess...  he will be alright"  He said

Vinod is pritvi's best friend from college and works in same company with him. He consider sravani and satvika as his sisters and calls satvika princess. Vinod felt very bad for this poor soul's. He can understand their situation but he can't help them. One side is his best friend who lost love of his life and other side is his  princess who don't know what's happening with her.

"I will leave..  you please take care"  He said looking her, she just nodded her head still looking at pritvi. After vinod left.

She went near him who is murmuring something in his drunken state, she couldn't understanding a bit. She put his legs on bed and removed his shoes. When she adjusting his pillow suddenly he pushed her hand away. She looked him in shock, he opened her eyes and looked at her.

"Go... go.. away...... from me..." He stammered and pushed her harshly, making her land on floor. She winced in pain.

"Leave me... I will... ruin your life too... go...  go away.." He said and sailed other side and slept on his stomach.

She slowly got up and looked at him with teary eyes. She wiped her tears and covered him duvet and left his room.


Two months passed like that. Prithi wake up and found himself in sofa. He got up and went to his room to ready to go office after making breakfast and lunch. They are living in same house but there is not single convention between them. He leave for office before satvika wake up and he didn't know how he coming home.

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