Our destiny part 3

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Pritvi opened his flat door with his spare keys and entered inside and checked his surroundings. House has few changes which he didn't cared to check before. He slowly took steps towards her room and saw her room door was open. He was confused first but soon the reason popped in his mind.  He went inside and and saw his son playing kicking his legs in air. A small smile appeared on his face seeing his son happiness, This is the first time he is smiling  after his wife death he forgot how to smile. then his eyes landed on her who is now in deep sleep.

She is looking tired, very tired. She lost her happy face which makes her beautiful, her face looking pale with dark circles under her eyes. She is not the girl who he used to see now she is looking different. When he is busy staring at her, he heard his son loud chuckle. He looked at his son who now giving his toothless smile to him, he smiled and slowly take him in his arms not disturbing to his son's sleeping mother and went out of room.

Satvika wake up from her deep sleep. She looked for her son but didn't find him beside her, she frightened and searched for him in his crib thinking may she forgot to take him before sleeping but he is not there. She panicked and went out of room to search, she could hear sounds from kitchen. She went towards kitchen and saw her son in his father's arms. Pritvi boiling baby milk talking with them and baby listening him interestingly. This is the first time pritvi spending proper time with his son after his birth. Pritvi felt someone presence behind him. He turned and saw his wife, he stopped talking.She looks panicked he can say that seeing her face. She immediately took baby from him.

"I'm sorry...  you're asleep when he woke up... " Said pritvi in low tone.  She just nodded her head and left from there, taking baby with her. He felt sad with her behavior but didn't said anything. 


Few days passed with satvika ignoring pritvi. But seeing pritvi behavior she felt relax... he didn't touch alcohol in these days, he directly coming home from work and spending time with his son. He also staying awake in night, which is helpful to satvika. He understood how much tough to take care a baby, a kind of respect grew inside for satvika seeing  the way she handling baby.

But her ignorance making him restless. First he thought it's few days because he knew,  she can't keep quite for too long, it habit of her, if she gets angry or upset because of someone. She stops talking with them but again she is the who start convention first with them. But now it's totally opposite. She completely ignoring to talk with him. If he asks her something she just nod her head or hmm,.hann that's it. He observing her whenever he wents near her, she feeling nervous. She still scared of him. That day he scared her like hell. That fear didn't leaved her.

Satvika is in her bed with her son in her lap, feeding him. She bathed him and now it's time for his nap, she feed him.  After few minutes baby was asleep she got up and made him lay in his crib. She took her clothes from wardrobe and about close the door,  suddenly pritvi came in room making her jump in her place.

"What.. the hell..  " She yelled. her dress fell on ground.

"Can't you knock" Satvika asked and placed her hand on her chest taking deep breath. Pritvi didn't answered her. She looked him confuse, He placed a luggage bag on bed and  went towards her wardrobe and start taking baby clothes from it.

"What are you doing" She asked seeing him placing the clothes in bag.

"Why are packing his clothes... where are you taking him"  She asked following him but and again silence. He went towards wardrobe and took her dresses.

"Hey... That's my clothes" She said going behind him like confused puppy. He silently packed the bag and about to go, she blocks his way.

"What do you think you are doing... where are taking them" She asked crossing her arms. He tried to move other side, she again comes his way, he sighed and looked at her.

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