1.0// I'm paying //

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I was on my way to The Plaza Hotel to meet up with someone. Well I say sOmEoNe he's actually my current boyfriend. Well, I say cUrReNt I actually mean 3rd in a month. I'm just a person with high standards, what can I say? 

Ok I think you need introducing. My name is Y/N Downey. Yeah yeah I'm HIS daughter . But let me clear something up. He may be a billionaire but that doesn't mean that I think I'm entitled to his money. He obviously WANTS to treat me seeing as I'm his only daughter but I won't let him. I don't want to be judged 

Oops and I lied. I HAVE two sisters. HALF-SISTERS just to add. I know the thought of being related to them makes me hang my head in shame but some things just can't be helped. 

I reach my table and I'm greeted by a grinning face.

"You look absolutely beautiful"

"Um thank you." I'm not quite sure what to say to that it's not like I haven't heard it before. 

"So what was so urgent that you just HAD to see me?"

"Yeah so..."

"I mean I know I'm quite the magnet and I've got some irresistible charm but darling you need to learn how to cool-"

I was already frustrated, so I throw my water all over him

"How's that for cooling down?"

"Jesus your a fucking weirdo! What's your problem?"

"Ok let me tell you what's up you motherfucker. I don't like arrogant people getting all cocky and whatnot. I bought my sorry ass over here to cut all ties with you because you're a boring, meaningless human being who doesn't even make an effort and seems to be overwhelmed by the death of their cat. Now if you don't mind I have a party to attend because that's what normal 22 year olds DO."

And with that I walked off. I didn't even rehearse that. I suppose I'm just getting experienced. 

"Ah....I don't know....I know I bought it.....wait I think it's in here somewhere...."

I turn around and see him stuttering at a waiter. Because he forgot his card. Wow. 

"Lemme get that" 

I take out my card and I swipe across the machine. I hand the receipt to Sam. 

"A guy that can't even pay for his own goddamn meal. Careful, people might start to think you're slipping."

I tip the waiter and swivel on my heels.

"Hopefully your next girlfriend won't have to pay or else send her my condolences" 

A/N—So this was my first chapter. Ahhhhh I feel super inexperienced but hey this was worth a shot. Updating soon 

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