8.0// Gunshot //

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"No! Y/N come back please! I'm sorry for fighting with you! Please don't go!"

"I'm sorry but I ha-"

"Y/N get in the car right now or-"

"Robert this is ridiculous you can't just take a child away!"

"Oh fuck you when did she ever concern you?"


You woke up breathing heavily. Was that a real gunshot or a fake one?

When you heard it again, you immediately got out of bed grabbed your knife and gun and ran outside into the hallway. You heard footsteps coming from your fathers chambers is you ran there and you were met with a sickening sight. A man all in black and a gun in his hand ready to shoot your father again, who was lying in his bed nearly dead. Acting upon your instinct, you shot the guy, who didn't seem to hear you bust the door down, and grabbed your knife and slit his throat. You let him fall to the ground and went to your fathers side.

"Y/N...." he slurred.

"Yeah? Yeah pops?" You said through tears.

"I'm so sorry....for what I said....one..one day...the truth will come out...and hopefully....hopefully the truth will come out....it will give you closure...." his eyes started to open and close.

"Daddy please," you hadn't called him that since you were really little, "Stay alive. For me?"

"Sweetheart, it is time. You gotta step up."

His breathing became softer.

"I will always love you".


His eyes closed and you couldn't feel a pulse. Just then 10 bodyguards or so ran through the door and started preparing to take your dad.

"NO, NO, NO YOU CANT TAKE HIM, NO!" All you wanted was alone time with your father and these men were gonna take him away. They managed to prise him off you and you just collapsed onto the floor sobbing your heart out. 

They just ignored you and you started to experience your fear. Isolation. You started to feel your breathing become laboured and found yourself in the midst of a panic attack. Your vision was blurry and the tears were pouring down your face. You suddenly felt strong arms around you and they started counting 1-3 slowly.

"That's it's now breath in....and let it out. There you go".

His voice was soft and you instantly felt yourself drifting off to sleep.

"There it's okay beautiful. It's all going to be fine".

Ok this was really short but hopefully the next one will be longer.

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