16.0// Divorce Papers //

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I can't fucking believe him.  You know what, I'm  going to give him a fucking piece of my mind.

"Arnie change plans we're going to Mr Holland's Residence."

"Ma'am what about your scheduled meeting with the six other mobs?"

"Only cancel one this won't take too long."

"Of course ma'am."

He starts driving. Tom's not gonna know what hit him.

At Toms house

Toms PoV

"So Nathan, do you have my money?"

"Y-yes I do."

He hands me a suitcase full of hard cash and I hand it to one of my henchman who counts it all, then whispers the amount into my ears.

"There is an extra 500,000 in here" I say raising my eyebrows at him.

"U-um I added that so it could cover any debt in the future."

I give the extra money back

"Take it. You could pay for your daughters college as it seems we won't need to kill her."

He smiles nervously and before he could thank me the door slams open and I see Y/N.

"Get the fuck out. Get out. GET OUT!" She shouts at Nathan.

He was eyeing her but when she started shouting he got stumbled up.

"HURRY UP!" Y/N shot at him and just ever so slightly missed. It definitely made him jump. He ran out the door.

She came over to my desk and swiped EVERYTHING off.


All of my files, all nicely organised, were on the floor, because of Y/N.

"Oh you fucking shit you haven't seen anything yet."

She ran to my bedroom. Not gonna lie I'm fucking scared but this side of her is quite hot.


I don't know why but I'm absolutely fuming. This definitely wasn't the plan. I go to his closet and take out all of his suits. The really expensive ones.  I took my scissors from the inside of my blazer and started cutting out shapes through his silk suits. Over a million dollars being cut into random shapes.

To say it was satisfying was an understatement.


"WELL THIS," I indicate towards the mess I made, "IS NO WHERE NEAR AS BAD AS HAVING A FUCKING WIFE IS IT? AND HIDING IT FROM ME!" My voice was getting incredibly high it could break at any moment. 

Toms POV

Oh shit she knows. I don't know what to say.

"Y/N please...." I try to reason with her.

"No don't fuckin Y/N me. Tom, you-you."

"Ok look, I don't expect you to forgive me but please hear me out."

"Fine. I'll listen to whatever bullshit story you've come up with. Maybe it'll be more fun than ripping up your suits."

He sighed exasperatedly (again sorry for dem big words)

"It was a few years ago. I fell in love with a girl. Chloe's her name. We were best friends growing up and she and I dated during high school. We then got married before my father handed the business over to me. After I learnt what the 'business' was about, I knew I couldn't tell her or else she'd want to me to give it up."

She continued listening intently.

"But I was at a gala. It was a meet up for all the big shot mobsters to congratulate me for the business. Chloe kept on getting suspicious. I was always out for meetings, came back with bruised fists. Went to a restaurant to have 'lunch' and came back with a suitcase full of money. She wanted to come to the gala but I didn't let her. I told her it was this big marketing meeting and she would get bored. And she believed me. Or so I thought."

"The host of the party, who was actually you're father, called me up to the stage where I would say a thank you speech. And Chloe heard the whole thing. She had snuck into the party and listened to my speech and when I got home, she confronted me about everything."

"That still doesn't-"

"Let me finish."

She rolled her eyes. "This is starting to become a novel."

"And I had to tell her everything. Like everything. And I made her promise not to tell anyone but she said on only one condition- that I always keep safe. So I promised I would and we just continued with our lives, just like that. But soon it all changed. She got more clingy and she became more questioning. When I REALLY went to lunch with friends, she'd always interrogate me. Who are you going with? When will you get back? She never seemed to leave the house and she just became a nightmare. So one day I came back home, told her she wasn't safe and packed her off to Paris. And that's where she's been these past 6 months."

"And that's when you met me." She says quietly.


I didn't know what to make of this. It didn't seem like a bullshit story anymore and now I'm contemplating what to do.

"Y/N I love you. I really do."

I was shocked. I mean ShOcKeD. He just said he loved me but was the feeling mutual? I've never said those words to anyone before. I mean, who wastes their time loving?

"Prove it then."

He looked confused and walked over to me so we were face to face. I pushed a bunch of papers in his chest.

"Are these....?"

"Divorce papers. Yes. If you really love me, you'll divorce her and it will be easier for both of us."

"But Y/N I can't just-"

"Bring her back? Break her heart? You can do both Thomas. And if you don't, it won't be a bunch of divorce papers breaking her heart, it will be a knife instead."

I walk out of the meeting room and back outside. I go inside the car.

"Back to the house ma'am?"

"Yes Arnie."

Oh shit

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