14.1// Disney Princess P2 //

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This shit is starting to get complicated. I don't really know what to do now. Do I carry on dancing with Harry or not? I look around and see Harrison at the bar chatting up a girl. He'll know what to do.

"Babe I'm getting tired, can we go home?" I sat myself next to him, pretending to look tired.

The girl looked disgusted and walked away.

"No..you...please just...." Harrison kept on protesting but the girl had already walked off.

"What was that about?" Harrison looked at you incredulously (sorry for using dem big words)

"Well I'm sorry to ruin what seemed like a magical moment, but I need help."


He sat up and gestured for me to continue.

"Ok so Tom is dancing and flirting with Vanessa. With VANESSA with all people. He still hasn't talked to me or helped me out and it's annoyingly me. Like can you SEE what that hoe is wearing. It's like some ugly two piece." I shudder and look at him, to see him laughing.

"Haz! This isn't funny!"

"I thought you wanted help. Sounds like you wanted a metaphorical punching bag to me."

"Well..yeah and that."

Harrison shook his head.

"Look Y/N if you feel so strongly about it, just tell him. Like go up to him and tell him straight. Now, if we're done here," his eyes scan the room, "Im going to find that girl and apologise about this....mishap."

"Mmm I don't think so Haz." I point at her.

"I mean, her boyfriend has her pretty occupied right now."


"Yeah. Because I'm not dumb and half blind..."

He looks at me offended.

"....you can see the hickeys that are really badly covered with concealer. Like literally clear as day. And she has a necklace on saying 'Mine' which could've given it away and she also had a tattoo on her wrist saying Max which I'd bet my whole life is the person she's snogging as well."

He looks at me shocked but I'm still looking at the girl with disgust.

"Ew, her snogging is really....um something different. Could do with a few lessons."

I turn back to Haz who still has a look on his face.

"What! Look Hazzy it's so true. Just ask if you don't believe me."

"Ok one, don't call me HaZzY. And two, I believe you. And three, you mind if I bring you along to every date. So ya know, you can rEaD her or some shit."

"I'm afraid if you do that you might end up walking out with water dripping down your head, food on your chest and no date."

I continue staring at Tom and Vanessa, who are still laughing in the corner.

"It's so weird, like they click so well."


I look at him like he's crazy.

"Pft yeah sure. I'm Y/N. I don't GET jealous."

I look over again and see Tom whisper something in her ear and she was giggling.

"Gee isn't her giggling music to our ears."

Harrison shook his head and smiled.

Then Tom pulled her closer and kissed her. Like full on kissed her.

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