13.0// My Wife is in Paris //

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"Woah..." Shawn looked gobsmacked however Camilla looked calm.

"Jesus, that's deep." He turns to Camilla.

"Actually I expected it."

"What!" You couldn't believe it. "So you knew the whole time?"

"No no no. I was just expecting something like this. You're father wanted you to find someone."

"What, to protect me?" You scoffed.

"No more like for someone to trust. You're in a dangerous world Y/N and you're father wanted someone to be there for you, to be the first one you'd call, because he knew that it couldn't be him anymore."

You listened carefully to what she said.

"True." You said quietly. "But now Tom is avoiding me and I'm not sure why."

"Give it time Y/N you just met the dude."

"I know but it feels like I've known him by whole life." And it may sound cheesy and overdramatise but you feel that you've known Tom for longer than two weeks and more like your whole life.

Realising how awkward it was, you quickly changed the subject.

"So Shawn. How's the tour been going?"

Shawn started laughing and telling a funny story about a Q&A session and you and Camilla laughed along with him. And it was then you knew that if you ever felt alone, you'd always have these two to turn to.

Harrison's POV

After hearing Y/N tell me about Tom, I'm absolutely fuming but I had to shake it off then so she wouldn't suspect anything. I walk over to Toms office to see him on the phone to someone. So I waited. 

"I don't give a fuck how you get the money I want it in 3 days. Or else you'll find that you haven't only lost your mind, you'll have lost all other body parts too." He hung up the phone.

"Ahh Harrison, just the person I wanted to see. Want to go to a nightclub and get drunk, I'm in a good mood."

"Well I'm sorry to rain on your parade," I sat on his chair. "But we need to talk."

"Ok." He poured some scotch for both of us.


"Ok what about her?"

"What do you mean WhAt AbOuT hEr. Why are you shutting her out?"

"I'm not shutting her out."

"Yes you are Tom."

"No I'm not. How can you say that?"

"Because that's what you fucking DO Tom. Whenever you start to like someone, even just a little, you ignore them and cut all ties with them." 

"Oh calm down I haven't cut all ties with her. She's still living in my house isn't she?"

"But not for much longer. You'll kick her out and make some bullshit excuse. Come on I know you like her you'd talk about her all the time during FaceTime and now you're estranged."

"Ok this conversation is over."

"Then I'll tell you're dad that you haven't really found a wife."

Tom turned around straight away.

"You wouldn't."

"You've been friends with me long enough Holland, you know I can do anything I put my mind to."

I had him now.

Toms POV

I can't believe Harrison would go there. Yes, I lied about having a wife but it was the only way I could have full reins of my the business. I mean, my father was doing it all wrong. I remember the last time he came to see me.

"So Tom, where's the wife?"

"Um...actually she's in Paris at the moment. A friend was having a wedding."

"And you couldn't go with her?" He was frowning.

"Uhh, well you know....my main priority is the business...."

I started it bite my lip. My father kept on frowning at me until he smiled.

"Thats what I like to hear son!"

Considering that was only 3 months ago, I'm still practically shitting myself. 

Harrison's POV

"So, will you talk to her?" 

"Yeah, yeah." He grumbled.

I put my my hand to my ear. 

"I can't hear youuuu..."


"Of course. Honestly mate stop holding us up."

I shook my head and left the room and I had a feeling Tom was cursing me behind my back.

Ahhhh ok so I have an issue. I have a plot for the story but when it comes to writing in detail I've got writers block. So just comment ideas for the next chapter and hopefully I will update very soon...

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