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Toms POV

I was in my study going over the deals when I just gave up. This job is honestly the last career choice I would ever go for. But when you have an arrogant father who's trained and brought you up for this entire purpose it's hard to decline.

I decided to go to the living room where all my brothers were. They were watching E Network, that channel with all the the gossip and airs Keeping Up With The Kardashians (which we all secretly love) and a picture of Y/N came up with the headline SHAWN AND Y/N HOOK UP?

  I  don't know why but I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy.

"-she's known to be the daughter of one of the most famous billionaires in the world. And surprise surprise, she was spotted at Shawn Mendes' party which can I comment she was looking VERY salty at- probably because all of her exes were in one room-"

I put the volume down.

"What did they mean by that?" I asked my brother Harry.

"Dude, she's like a player. Got this reputation for messing with boys. She's like, a real player ya know". He paused. "But not gonna lie though, she's kinda hot. I can see why she has so many exes".

"Harry shut up". My youngest brother Paddy walked in eating an apple. "Shut up Harry it's not like you can land her".

I smirked.

"Yeah but it's not like Tom can either. Say, didn't you try to blow her up?" He was the one smirking now.

"Yeah but that was different"

"Different how?"

My phone started ringing. I signalled saying that I had to take it. I let before Harry could mutter "hOw CoNvEnIeNt".  I left the room and answered it. After two seconds I got into the car and driver to Roberts place. And here I am.

Third POV

Tom had laid Y/N on her fathers bed and left her to sleep. He was in that sort of position where he was sort of cuddling her but most definitely playing with her hair. Wasn't really that romantic since there was blood everywhere. Soon, Cameron walked into the room, heels in her hand. 

"What the FUCK is going on? Where the hell is Robert? And why is there blood on my Prada shoes?"

I felt Y/N stir underneath me. 

"Shut up Cameron. You'll wake Y/N up."

"I don't give a shit. Get that bitch off my side of the bed." 

In just a second, Y/N had managed to get up and hold her up gun so it was in between Cameron's eyes. And I kid you not it was all in a flash. I mean I can't deny, it was quite attractive.


"Cameron, I'm warning you don-"

Before I threaten her I see a purple bruise stamped on her neck. It was bruise I had seen before and had adorned my skin many times before.

"Wait I'm sorry is that a HiCkEy?"

"What? What..." her hand instantly went up to her neck as a way of covering it up but it was too late. You had already seen it. 

"Okay ok ok. Let me just get one thing straight. While my dad provided for you, gave you all you wanted, basically gave you a life you couldn't even comprehend, you sleep with men who couldn't even compare to him and actually have the nerve to walk in this house and pretend you own it."

Cameron gritted her teeth, "This IS my house."

That was it. I cocked your gun ready to shoot and Cameron tried to stay strong, but I knew she was whimpering underneath all that foundation.

"Wait Y/N before you do anything hasty," Tom spoke up. He grabs a knife from his blazer and presses it against Cameron's skin, the cool blade on top of it, "Why shouldn't I just slit your throat right here, right now. I'm sure the cleaners won't mind the blood."

She was obviously scared- she kept looking down at her bare feet. The bitch didn't even have the decency to look you in the eyes.

"I-I know..."

Tom and I looked at each other, confused.

"Well, spit it out then woman," I quickly adjust the position of the gun, this is time at her heart.

She flinched. "I know things about things about you Y/n that you don't know about yourself. I've slept with so many men, but did you know your father did too. 

She noticed the drop in my face. She smirked and continued.

"Your sweet old man practically begged me to sleep with me. I mean of course I said yes, why wouldn't I?"

"Alright shut up!" Tom shouted, looking over at me worriedly.

But I just stood there. Was what she was saying true? Or is it a whole load of bullshit?

"Oh and of course we can't forget your dear mother, can we know?"

My head shot up. I haven't spoke about my mother for ages. Neither did my father. I didn't want to make things uncomfortable so we made this sort of silent pact not to say anything and its worked just fine for us. 

But that doesn't mean I'm not curious. 

"Alright shut your fucking mouth now," Tom exclaimed. He was getting really angry now. "What do we do Y/N? It's your call love".

Before I could say anything I heard an obnoxious voice.

"Mummy? Mummy? Where are you? Oh the most terrible thing has just happened!"

Vanessa ran into the room wearing a showy top and VERY short shorts. She obviously must've heard that Tom was here. How disrespectful, her Dad just got killed and the first thing she thinks about are the boys.


I was about to scold her for talking to Tom like that. But then it hit me- she was talking about me. Of course, single out the boys and let them off from everything they do. She strode over and took the gun from my hand. I didn't even fight it or defend myself. I just stood there loosely, not really knowing what to do. I heard Vanessa steer Cameron away asking if she'd like a CuP oF tEa. Honestly some people need to calm down-its not like my step mum WATCHED my father die in front of her. Unlike some people.


I looked up to be met with Toms soft brown eyes. 

"Let me take you to my place."

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