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"Hurry up"


1 hour ago

"But whyyyyyyyyy!"

I stretched the y, as you can tell.

"I'm sorry darling but you can't come."

"Why nottttttt? I haven't dressed up and gone out in agesssssss."

"I knowwwwwww."

I looked at him with a pout.

"It's safer."

"Is it now?"

"Yes." He put his blazer on.

"I will literally stay by your side all night. I won't even go to the toilet." I try to reason  


"Ugh fine." I hid under the covers.

"Who's gonna babysit me tonight?" I said, still under the covers like a child.


"Oh okay. Well at least that means we can have some fun. I'll let you know whether he's better at sex than you or not." I bit my lip waiting for his reaction.

I suddenly felt a heavy body jump on me and I squealed (I actually hate this word with a passion but it just describes the moment SO WELL).

Tom pulled the covers so he could see my face.

"What was that princess?"

"What was what?" I said, acting all innocent.

"I heard some specific sexual activities you were planning to do with Harrison."

I started laughing.

"It's not funnyyyyyyy!" He said, now pouting 

"Ya it is."

"No it's not. Sometimes I think that you'll leave me for Harrison because he's just got everything I haven't. Like every day I wake up next to you is a blessing."

I take his face in his hands.

"Aw, I didn't know you felt that way. I was honestly just joking, Harrison and I will probably watch some movies."

"Okay. But no cuddling."

"Fine. What about blowjobs?"



I got out of bed and put on my hoodie.

"K darling I have to leave now, my car is ready."

"Okay." I pull him in for a hug.

"I'll be back as early as possible." He says into my hair.

I breath in his scent.

"Mhm, okay you need to go or else you'll be late."

"Ummm you're sounding a bit eager love. Should I be suspicious?"

"Nooooo. Go." I pushed him away and he blew me a small kiss, grabbed his phone and left.

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