19.0// Positively glowing //

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It was two months later. I had inherited the entire mafia and honestly I couldn't be happier. I thrive on this kind of stuff, the glam, the chivalry, everything.

The only downside is not talking or seeing Tom. But I made a decision. It was for my own good. But was I just being selfish? That thought has been weaving through my mind ever since that night. I can't stop thinking what would have happened if we never got "married". Well I know one thing, I wouldn't be sat in my new mansion with an amazing view.

Every now and then I visit Vanessa and Cameron but it's just to gloat really. But I do make sure they have their privileges, they made my father happy too.

Camilla went to live in Hong Kong, where she would be working for Vera Wang so she's happy as well.

Shawn has been continuing with his year long tour and sends me daily updates. He's a real prat.

And the other Camilla, is now head of my entire security and weapons. I honestly couldn't feel safer.


My assistant Nicole stands by the door.

"Is now a good time to go through this months calendar?"

"Yes yes come in." I stack some files and pour us a drink.

"So." She sits down and gets out a diary.

"You have 13 upcoming meetings with some of the other mafias plus and intelligence meeting."

"Intelligence meeting?"

"Yes one of your clients are doing dirty work and intelligence think they know who."

She passes me a sheet with all the dates and events happening. I read through it.

"Um, it says that there's a party I have to attend."

"Yes it's Harrison Osterfield's birthday party. He'll be turning 23." She saw the uneasy look on my face.

"Would you like me to cancel miss?"

"No no no." I shake my head. It would be stupid to not go. No matter what happened with Tom, Harrison was there, he was always a part of that plan. And I had to return the favour of course.

"It's okay Nicole. Plan an appointment with my tailor and I'll be there."

"Very good ma'am. So that's it from me, have you anything you'd like to ask me?"

"No that will be all."

I signal her towards the door, indicating for her to leave. She sat there for a few long seconds 

"Miss, Tom is fine and doing well." She said lowering her voice.

I sigh, "Nicole I really don't care anymore."

Ok I admit. After the fight, I always got Harrison to report to my people how Tom was doing. I felt guilty but after finding out that he never mentioned me, not once, I stopped asking completely.

"Y/N I know you still care."

"It's ma'am to you, and I thought I made it perfectly clear his name was not to be even whispered in this office."

She just smiled at me and walked out of the bathroom office. I know that smile. She's up to something.

With your tailor.

"So Y/N I understand that this is a masquerade ball."

"What? No? It's just someone's birthday."

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