21.0// Pulls them in //

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A few weeks later 


After the gala Tom and I moved in together; I mean, we're married, isn't that a thing couples do?

I still feel guilty about the whole thing but Tom said he understood why I did what I did, after I explained to him.

It was a Sunday morning, and I was spending it in bed with Tom, cuddling together.

He started twisting the engagement ring on my finger.

"It's crazy you know. The things we sacrifice to make this whole mafia work."


"Like do you ever sometimes wish that we weren't a part of all this and just led our own lives?"



I turn my head to look up at him. He kisses my lips.

"Are you okay love? Your mind seems to be somewhere else."

"No, I'm just thinking about business."

"Ah. Speaking of business. Seeing as we're partners in the mafia, I thought today you might like to meet one of my clients. He owes me money and still hasn't paid it yet."

"Yes of course. So when is it?"

"Meeting is today at 5."

"Okay." I go back to my own thoughts.

"So what are your plans for today?"

"Uhhhhhh, I have some meeting with intelligence that's going to take a while so I think I'm going to have to cancel on lunch with you and your brothers." I say looking back up at him.

"Aw, I was looking forward to showing you off."

"Well, you'll have plenty more opportunities for that." I finally get out of bed and get into my attire for the day.

"Gorgeous." Tom says as I look into the mirror.

I put my shoes in and grab my handbag.

"Get up and look sharp." I shout at Tom before I leave.

Skip to 4pm

"So what information do you have on this allegation."

"One of your spy's have been working for an unidentifiable man, who's evidently plotting to harm you."

I raise my eyebrows at the harm bit.

"Oh Martin, don't be such a pussy."

"Fine then ma'am. He wants to kill you, he wants you gone."

I take a deep breath.. "So how close is he?"

"Well turns out he managed to get someone fairly close to you to report back to him."

"So your saying there's a mole?"

"Well yes. There was. The mole is long deceased."

"But that doesn't mean he won't go to extreme lengths to find another one."

"I agree ma'am. That is why I suggest tripling your security."

We discussed more and more until it was time for me to leave.

"Thank you Martin. I'll show this to Camilla and she can sort it out."

"Thank you ma'am. But be careful."

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