17.0// One Fucking Week //

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I'm in my office doing business as usual.

"Tell me that you will get the money."


"Darling, you're positively sweating. I suppose it might just be the nerves," I put a gun against his forehead, "Shall I put you out of your misery?"

"No! No-no-no please I have a daughter at home, and wife. My daughter has cancer...and...and I c-can't provide...for them that well...please...don't.."

"Oh maybe I should let you go.......if you actually had a cancer-cursed daughter and a wife. You see," I bend all of his fingers backwards, "we do our fucking research too mate. Now tell me, can you get me the money."

He just whimpers and wince in pain.

"Then I guess you're no use to me."

Bang bang bang.

"Clear this up" I shout to the bodyguards.

I get a rag and wipe my hands. Blood blood blood. Oh well red has always suited me anyway.

I walk into my office and sit on my chair. Finally a bit of piece and quiet.

Text from Tom.

-my house. Now.

I arrive over to Toms house to see a few guys carrying out a body bag and I run inside to find Tom in his kitchen with a bullet in his arm.

"Don't tell me you were trying to pull a trigger with your foot because Tom I specifically told you not to." I think back to that sleepover we had over a week ago.

"No of course not."

I look at him and finally figure it out.

"You got Chloe to sign those papers didn't you?"

"Yeah, and I got fucking shot in the process."

"Ok let me get the first aid box then we can talk about it."

Two minutes later I return with the box and I start cleaning his wounds. It started off in silence but I wanted to know what happened.

"Wait so how did she get access to your gun anyway."

"Well she was really pissed. Like really fucking pissed. So after she signed it she shot me. She found out the password to my safe and got a gun. I guess having 0000 as your safe pin isn't the best idea." He muttered the last bit, hoping I wouldn't hear, but I did. 

I stop.

"Let me get this straight, one of the most dangerous and richest mobster out there decides 0000 is an acceptable PIN number."

"Well it's okay now because before she escaped I shot and killed her."

"So she was the one in the body bag?"


I carry on tending to his wounds. I managed to get the bullet out and stated to stitch him up.

"How do you know how to do all of this?" He said softly.

"Well, I practiced so my if my dad ever came home in a state, I could fix him up. He never did though. Not that I knew of."

Silence again.

"So, I'm the most dangerous and richest monster in the world. I think hottest should go on that list too."

I look up at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Don't go all cocky on me mister. I can put that bullet right where I found it."

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