No more strangers

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Diya's pov
I wrapped my hands around him and pulled him in a friendly hug and he stayed still. His words have lifted a huge burden from my shoulder but reminded me of someone...some who used to be important and to this day that person is still important.

I wondered how can be someone so nice and understanding to a person whom he just met 10 days ago? Although, I thought about his mother, I understand her concern for her son.

"Anuraag? Would you do something for me?" I asked.
"Apologies to your mom, and tell her how or why we got married." I pulled away from him.

"I will.," he said.

Next day:

"What are you cooking?" I leaned by the counter and folded my cane.
"Fried rice."
"Sounds good, Where did learn cooking?" I asked casually.
"When I moved out at the age of 19 and came here. I hired a teacher for me so I can learn how to cook for myself." He replied.

"That's amazing."
"If you don't mind, what do you do for a living? Last time when we were at the airport, a bunch of people surrounded us?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh that, well I am the CEO of Agnihotri Enterprises and corporation. I started my business after I completed my studies in business.
Few years later I merged my company with my dad's company.—you must be also wondering why do I live alone here?"

"Is it that obvious?" I narrowed my brows.
"Kind of, But honestly, I am also curious about your life too?" He chuckled.

"You can ask me whatever you want to know?" I said as he led me to the dining table, and served the food.
He settled next to me. "Umm lets start with easy questions..shall we?" He asked with a slight hint of mischief.

I nodded at his suggestion as I sip the water

"When were you born and where?"
"On 3rd of March 1997, in Mussoorie, Uttarkhand, a few months later my parents moved to Shimla and since then I lived there until now," I answered.

"Oh. I was 7 years old when you were born, anyway, in 2000, I vividly remember, Sivan used to go elementary with me, then how come I didn't see you?"

My heartfelt heavy, I didn't know how to tell him why he didn't saw me.
"What's wrong?" He caressed my hand.

"When I was 3, my parents died, on 9 August 2000. My dad, my mom and I, were going to visit my uncle's family who lived few towns away from our town, it was snowing and the car's tires skidded when my dad pushed the brakes...and hrs later they were dead— that day I just didn't lose my parents but also my eyesight too..." before I could finish telling him he pulled my chair and embraced me in a warm hug, my tears soaked his shirt.

"My maternal Uncle's family raised me and my brother lived with my father's family. And maybe that's why we never met" he let me go but still held my hand.

"I am sorry...I should haven't asked that." He said, with guilt.

"No it's okay, it's been a while since I talked about my parents.and after all you are my friend," I replied.
"Of course,"

After finishing up our food, Anuraag took us to a nearby park, for a walk.

"Oh my god! Is it raining?" I tried to cover my head with my scarf as droplets of rain showered.

"Welcome to Canada!" He said in a sarcastic tone.
"What? It's like December? It's rains here and What about snow, last I heard was, it snows here?" I baffled.

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