First Snow

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One week later

Anuraag's POV

I called my dad and told him about her accident, and extended my flight for another two months as I wanted her to spend more time with her family .

"How's she now, dear?" Dad asked worriedly.

"She doing better than before, dad. They discharged her from hospital two days ago...I am extending my trip, but if you need me I will be there?" I said nervously.

"No no no dear, stay with her, take your time.—

"Sunil, what are you saying! I don't want my son to stay there any longer! Tell him to come home as soon as possible!" Mom interrupted him.

"What are saying Suman?! He's not only your son but also her husband too!" My dad whispered, but despite that I heard it.

"Dad, gotta go...I will talk to you later, goodnight." I said.

"Okay, bye dear. take care of yourself and hers too!."

After the call ended, I went to the room where Diya and I were living, she was on the bed in sitting position, blankly her gaze was pointed. There was amused smile on her lips as she looked deeply mesmerized in her thoughts.

My eyes traveled to a open window, I noticed the weather was changing, it was getting colder.

"Diya..." I smiled through my words.

"Yes Anu!" I glanced at her in pure amusement when she called me by my nickname.
"What's the matter you're? You're smiling!" I wiggles my brows as lean closer to her.

Diya's pov

"What is he doing to me?" I whispered to myself in pure bliss. "I am in l-love with him, aren't I?" I smiled cheeks felt warm, even at the mere thought of him.

He has coloured my world...most importantly he has coloured me in his colours. Gosh! I don't even know how colours look like...but somehow I still feel them; warm like his presence, blissful like his touch, soft like his words, sweet-honey butter smell with mixture of sandalwood and roses—just like his cologne.
His touch was soft on my skin, warm on my soul...with him I feel...complete.
Is this love?
I guess so.

He has taught me a new language of love, The Love That Define Us... Yes, I am in love with him.

"Diya.." his sweet voice called my name.
"Yes, Anu." I smiled to myself, the way I pronounce his nickname.

"What's the matter?! You're smiling!" He asked, mischievously.
"Why were you calling me?" I changed the subject, immediately.

"Oh! There is something..." he helped me to get out of the bed and helped me to sit on wheelchair.

"I want to share a special moment with you." He said, I heard him unlocking the back door of our room; as he opened the door, I felt a jolt of cold wind, rushing inside. He immediately placed my shawl on my shoulder and covered my upper body.

He took me out of the room, I felt cold thin beads of something on my right cheek, that instantly melted by my touch.

"Is it snowing?" I asked him in Awe.

"Yes—Happy, New year's first official snow in Shimla, Mrs Agnihotri." He said, in my ear, lowering himself.

"Same to you, Mr Agnihotri!" I moved my head in his direction of his breath, his lips touched my cheek, we both didn't moved an inch; frozen in the moment, with my all courage, I searched for his face. I gently held his face in my both hands, by side.
He touched my hand. "Diya— A low whisper escaped from his mouth.
"Sssh..let me speak." I interrupted him.

"I am sorry, Anuraag, for my sudden stupid outburst...I wasn't thinking clearly, when I asked you.." I paused for a bit, when I noticed that I have his attention.

"I have respected you as a person from the day one. I met you—I am not good at reading people...but when I knew, somehow that something was different about you.
I wasn't attracted to you though...but I sensed something...something that I couldn't
explained— when you married me...never in my life I expected you to actually fulfill the vows we had taken at our wedding. As this was a marriage of convince...but that was in the past—this time I-I want to live this marriage...this time for true—" my breath hitched, nervously.

"I love you, Anuraag—with all of my heart and soul, you don't have to wait anymore...I am get painted in your love colour—forever!" I felt my tears dripping down from my cheeks.

"How could, a girl wouldn't fall in love with are the most caring, sweetest and an understanding person and most importantly loving person...Anuraag..please say something." I searched for his hand and held in my hand.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Hey! Don't say that..why would I— before I say any further, he cupped my face and pressed a warm kiss on my forehead. I felt his tear dripping on my cheek.
"Please..don't cry." I said.

Anuraag's POV
The moment she uttered those beautiful three magical words...I was astonished; she confessed that—she loves me.

Am I dreaming?  I thought to myself. But coldness of snow flakes reminded that I am not dreaming. I got up from my knee and kissed her forehead, as I was speechless, how overwhelmed happy I was.

A warm, tender, feeling flattered in my heart as soon as my lips touched her forehead.

"Please..don't cry." Her soft voice melted my heart even more.

"I love you too.." I whispered audibly, in her ear.

"I know." She stroked my cheeks with her soft hands and brought my face close to her, inches apart. Her soft lips landed on my right cheek then slowly onto soon touched tip of my nose, I felt my heart beating faster. Our breath sync together when we were less then an inch apart from meeting our lips.

"I— before I could say anything, she pressed her warm, tender lips on was amazing ,better than I had imagined, I got closer to her, reducing all the distance between us. My fingers tangled in her soft locks of hair, it felt like I am complete. Finally our journey has started from never to forever..!

Diya's pov

I was done being all I want to be with someone...Him.
When did I fall in love with him?; the moment I realized my ignorance towards his love!
How I, didn't realized, in world of my blindness...when did I got so lost..that I didn't trust my own heart!

My heart was going towards him...but I was stopping it...not letting him in...though he tried his best to provide me love and comfort by accepting me as part of his family and his life.

"Anuraag?" I pulled from him, whilst resting my forehead on his.
"Hmm.." he responded in his melodic voice.
"I want to see you..." I had never wanted my eyesight back as much as I wanted now.
To my touch he's one of the most beautiful person, I have met...but now I wanted to see him...even if for 10 memories everything about he's now part of my life and my world.

The Love That Define Us {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now