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Diya's Pov

I was sitting in my room and thinking about what happened this morning.

He's so thoughtful, that he arranged eyes test for me. How I am going to pay his debt? He's helping me, even though I am almost stranger to him.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard intercom. I unfolded my cane and walked towards the door.

"Anuraag?" A female voice called.
"Anjali di, how are you?" He sounded surprised but happy.

"I heard you are married? Mom is so angry about this news..." she sounded concerned.

And hearing that made me anxious, and felt a lump in my throat.

"It happened so fast that I didn't have time to tell you guys—though I am still trying to contact mom, she's not picking my calls." He replied.

"Come inside I will introduce you to her."

"Diya, how long were you standing there? I want you to introduce my elder sister Anjali." He smiled through his words.

He walked to me and took my hand, helping me to step down the staircase.

"Aaa— are you blind? I mean you can't see!!?!!" She asked in pure surprise.

"Yes..isn't that obvious?" I murmured awkwardly.

"But mom didn't said anything about you that—anyway I am Anjali, I am 5 years older than him."

"Anuraag, why don't you make tea for us, while we get to know each other?" She said casually.

"Sure, didi," he replied and with that he walked away.

"Come on let's sit in the living room." She said.
I simply nodded as I was feeling nervous.

"So how did you get married to my brother, I mean wasn't it your wedding...to other groom? Sorry if I sound rude but I am just confuse here."

"Actually, it was the fate, I am not going to lie,....I was left at the a-altar by my to be husband—To save, my and my family's reputation, Anuraag married me." I sighed as words felt heavy on my breath.

There was thickness in the air,I could feel the tension building between me and Anjali. We both didn't utter a single word for next 5 mins until she broke the ice.

"I am sorry, but how dare him?! If I was there I would have find him from the hell and kicked his ass so hard that he would have forgotten to sit for rest of his life...that coward!! She hissed in rage.
I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"You are beautiful Diya, it doesn't matter how you guys got married, but somewhere I feel like you guys were meant to be married. When I was coming here, I wanted to see the girl whom my mom described as "gold digger" and "manipulative"...but now I am happy because you are not that girl...instead you're are so truthful and I feel like, it was the best decision made by my brother to marry you." Her words left me stun for a moment as I was not expecting it at all.

She placed her hand on my hand, stroking warmly, "I will talk to my mom, and make her see what she is ignoring. My mom is not a bad woman or mean, but she is just cautious. She cares about my brother so much that she think every innocent looking girl is evil in disguise, who will leave her son broken. I wish I could tell you more but it's not my place."

"Of course,—Thank you for telling and clarifying things." I replied.

"No, thank you for being honest about yourself." She said warmly.

"Tea is ready!!" Anuraag's voice echoed from other room as his footsteps can be heard nearing us.

"Perfect!" Anjali beamed.

"Should I join or you guys need your girl time?" He asked.

"Actually you guys can continue, Ravi just texted me that he couldn't pick Tia from her school... so I have to go..I will come next time to visit you two."
"Of course, should I call the driver for you?" Anuraag offered.
"No,I drove here, so I will be fine," Anjali replied.

"Okay then, see you around."
"See you too, bye Diya, it was nice meeting you." Anjali hugged me before she left.

"So what did you guys talk about? I hope she didn't ask you something too personal." Anuraag asked.

"No,—but I told her about the circumstances of our marriage, I hope you don't mind?" I replied nervously.
"Of course not, as long as you are okay with it." He said.

"If you don't mind, can I ask you how many members do you have in your family?"

"Eight members, including you and me,Ten!   —I have two sisters, Anjali is older than me, Anjali's, husband Ravi and her daughter Tia.
My another sister, Jiya, is three years younger than me and a younger brother,Jai, who is two years younger than me but older than Jiya; my mom and my dad and my grandpa." He replied thoughtfully.

"Wow, why do you live alone then?" I asked immediately.
"Umm—it's because I liked my solitude, it's not that I don't like living them but when it comes to my work I kinda need to be alone." He replied hesitantly.

"I disturbed your solitude, didn't I?"

"What? No—Never, why would you even think that.Since you arrived here, my apartment feels more home than ever." He replied fast.

I shifted when he took the empty cup from my hand, and left without saying anything further, now I was left alone with my thoughts.
I was feeling guilty for my stupid curiosity, he's doing so much for me yet I can't even thank him probably without asking ridiculous questions....


"Anuraag, I need to talk to you." I said.

"Diya, I am busy right now, I have a conference call in five min with my client, talk to you later, please?" He replied, disinterestedly.

I nodded and went inside the room.

It's been 2 hrs since he told me that he has a conference call to attend, but the call ended one hr ago...

Is he ignoring me?

I shuffled through my nightstand drawer to find my book. I folded my cane and placed it on the nightstand and open the book, I traced my fingers on the braille prints, I felt calm when raised dots that felt with my fingertips.
But there was on thing that was more calming...the cologne...his T-shirt..I was still wearing his cloths! But why I am thinking about him? Concentrate!

I flipped to next page.  "Her eyes were darker shade of black, as they gleamed in moonlight, and sparkles can be seen in her eyes during the sunset...." I smiled as I read the words even though I don't know what is the "darker shade of black" and how "moonlight and sunset" looks like. 
May be this is why this book was titled "All lies"....


Here is the next chapter❤️❤️
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