The Book

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Anuraag's POV

''I mean, in the room, not on the same bed...I have a few mattresses that I can use...The bed is all yours.'' I said.  She sigh. '' for me.'' she smiled.

I patted down the pillow before I lay down. meanwhile, she had the same book in her lap, her fingers were tracing every word, and was very concentred. I placed my hand under the pillow, for a more comfortable view. she was on the bed and I was on the ground, I was curious about what she was reading and even more curious about something else too.  

''If you don't mind can I ask you something?'' I placed my chin on my palms and glanced at her.

''Yes, go ahead.''

''I was wondering, what are you reading?'' I asked.

''I-I um—what do you mean?'' she sounded confused.

''I mean what this book is about?'' I clarify.

''ooooh...this is a story..''

''Story about what?'' I said immediately. then I noticed redness across are face.

Is she embarrassed to tell me?

"...this is a story about a boy who falls in love with his best friend...and he never tells her that he is in love with her.."

"Oh. It's interesting..I guess." I rambled my words.

"Actually no..I mean sure it's a love story but I have read this book like so many times...because I have never understood the best-friend Aru-  She suddenly paused.

"What is it?" I stood up.
"Nothing...I just remembered a person." She shook her head and closed the book, there was no smile on her face, I walked to her, and sat next to her.

"Your best friend? What happened to her? You can talk to me." I reassured her.

"I don't want to talk about her. Can I sleep now?" She said putting her book on the nightstand, and pulled the sheets. She didn't notice the book that dropped on the floor. I picked up the book and flipped the first page of it. There were small yet very precise dots were engraved. I traced the dots. She read this book more than once or twice or may be more, there must be something special about this book. I placed the book on the nightstand and went back to sleep.

"Hey Lily, can you call Tara?" I said pressing the phone on my ear.

"One moment Mr Agnihotri."

I glanced at my watch and realized that Diya must be awake by this time.
I walked to the kitchen and brought the breakfast to the table that I made.
"Good morning, Diya." I greeted.
"Morning," she replied and find her way to the dinning table.

"Everything's alright?" I asked.
"Yes." She smiled.

"Lair!" I thought.

"You have breakfast and I will see you in a bit." I said.

"Where are you going?"
"Next room, for a conference call." I stated. She didn't say anything this time.

"Hey Tara! Listen I need to book an appointment with you for eyes test" I said.

"Didn't you had your eyes test last month? Why another one? Everything's alright?"  She asked worriedly.

"Ugh...not for me..for my—wife." I replied, awkwardly.

"You got married?! My god! And you didn't even invited your bestie?!" She squeaked in anger and disbelief.

"Listen, it's a long story, I will tell everything, but first, I want an appointment for my wife." I said.

"Okay, Fine, But you owe me a story time!" She emphasized.

"Yeah okay deal, so when is the appointment?" I asked.

"Tomorrow at 1: pm"
"Okay, thanks."  I said.

"Is there something I need to know anything important about your wife?" She said concernedly.

"Yes, She is blind..,I called you because your the best I know."

"Bring her file tomorrow, and we will discuss further....see you tomorrow"  she said.

"Anuraag, are you angry with me?" Diya said in  guilt. I turned around and walked to her.

"No, I am not, what makes you think that?"

"You didn't join me for dinner and I thought that you are making an excuse to not talk to me...for my last night behaviour." she fidgeted with her cane.

"I am not angry with you...In-fact I was coming  to tell you about an appointment for eyes test."
I said.

"Eyes test?" She raised her brow.

"Yes, is there any problem?" I asked.

"No, but it's not needed. I am fine."

I moved closer to her and took her hand and placed it in mine. "It's just a test. There could be a possibility that you could see. Please for me?" I asked.
"Okay, I will go.But I am scared."
"Don't be, I am with you." I replied.


To know what the book is about keep on reading "The love that define us" by Swati.C

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