A leap

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Aarohi's POV.

Five minutes ago I was preparing for dinner with my younger sister, Radhika and my older brother Rajveer, who was in his way to home from his work. And now, a man, same age as Rajveer's came to my house, and informed about my best friend's accident. I was shocked to know about her, worry was killing me, I wanted to help but my self respect was stopping me...but what happened two years ago was in past...the way he was asking me to help. I couldn't say no, though I wanted not to go back to her, but I have to.

He lead me to his car, I quickly sat on the front seat, whilst he started the engine.

Since was 13 years old Diya and I was 14, people used think us as real sisters as we never left each other's side, from going to school to learning dance together. We were the bested friend who had never thought that we would get apart from each other like a heart from soul.

Two year ago.

Diya sometime used come for sleep-over to my house, we used to talk all night long. From I being the story teller and she being the listener.
Stories about love, stars, the moon and the sun, but one topic we both weren't aware of was tragedy.

Rajveer Sharma, my elder brother 25 at that time, after completing his Education, he came Shimla after 3 years. My family was very excited, I called Diya for dinner. And as expected she came.
Everyone sat at the dinner table, chatting mingling, Fun stories from past and new plans of future were discussed during dinner, laughing while enjoying delicious meal made by my mom; was a beautiful moment and good a memory to remember. In subtle noise of beautiful playful laugh with amazing meaningful talks, no one in my family realized, the love blossoming in Rajveer's heart for Diya would one day bring me and Diya at a path where would go in different directions.

Rajveer would find ways to talk her, spend time with her, in this course of time he fell deeply in love with her. I couldn't noticed that...how fast he was falling for, neither could he.

Fast forward, it was Diya's 19 birthday, Rajveer came along with me. That night I heard him talking to his friend about Diya, that how much he is in love with her and how he's going to purpose her.
I couldn't blame him for falling in love with her, because I knew; how amazing she is as person, her beautiful smile can brighten anyone's day, no matter how bad it was. She was the light that everyone needed in their life, though she didn't have her own light; ability to see.

I was happy that despite knowing her disability not see, my brother was ready to accept her.
But what Rajveer didn't know, that it's not right time to purpose her without not knowing her feelings..and forgetting her Family's reputation.

Before I could stop him everything was ruined, he purposed her outside, in the garden. Her brother Sivan saw them, He slapped her, and lashed out on Rajveer, he didn't gave her a second to let her speak.

"I should have known, your family was being nice to her, was only for, to trap her and marry her so you and your family can get wealth." Sivan held Diya's hand while tears were dripping down her cheeks.

"Sivan, that's not true...she my best—

"Stop it! Aarohi. I didn't expect anything from your family anything like this... you poor people are always like this...trapping a rich naive girl for extracting money!"

"You have crossed your limit!" I yelled, pointing my index finger at him.

In less than a few minutes the guest came outside and stared at us as Sivan didn't stop insulting us, I heard each and everything—he accused me and my family.
My gaze traveled behind me, where Rajveer was laying on the ground, he was holding his head with his palm, as the blood was running down his arm, his yellow rolled up sleeves were drenched with blood.
"Raj—Oh god! What you did to him?!!" I said in anger to Sivan.

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