Chapter 1

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Hermione walked down the corridors, correcting Ron's potions essay for the fourth time of the day.

She wouldn't want to be here if it wasn't for Head Girl's duty. She opened a classroom and pulled out her wand from her robes. "Nox," she whispered and it immediately turned pitch black.

A high pitch laughter echoed through the corridors and Hermione rolled her eyes. Pansy Parkinson. Honestly, she really couldn't just dissappear into thin air whenever that little snob passed by.

"What are you doing here, Parkinson? It's over bed time!" Hermione grabbed her wand firmly. She wasn't going to hex her or anything, but if Pansy decided to, she'll need to defend herself. She face palmed when she saw Parkinson grabbing onto Malfoy's arm.
Recently, these two have been sneaking everywhere during the night. Why couldn't that Head Boy patrol this area? She wouldn't be so kind if he wasn't her boyfriend.

"Well well, isn't this the filthy mudblood again?" Pansy sneered and Malfoy smirked with her.

"It's the fourth time of the week! Get back to your dorm room, you stupid snake!"

" Don't talk to my girlfriend like that! And besides, this is no place for a Gryffindor like you." Draco snapped and shielded Parkinson.

"Malfoy? You should really learn some respect."

"Oh really?" Pansy cocked her head and squeezed her nose together to form an ugly face.

Hermione kept her mouth shut. She absolutely do not want to get in trouble with Professor Bradford , the new potions teacher after Professor Snape.

"Is someone tongue-tied now?" Draco said. Just as Hermione decided to report them, her boyfriend appeared at the right time.

Ron Weasley came from behind, probably asking his essay back so that he could pass it to Bradford the next day during double potions.

" Hermione! Are you done - oh. "

"Perfect combination! The mudblood and Weasley."

"One more time, Malfoy and Parkinson, I'm reporting you to Professor McGonagall, "she said.

Ron jerk his thumb backwards." Now go back to your bloody dorm."

Malfoy smirked and grab Pansy's hand. Both of them strolled passed Hermione and Ron to the left and dissappeared out of sight.

"What a day. Here's your work, Ron. Try to spell better next time." and she handed him the parchment she was holding.

"Wow, thanks. But I doubt that I'll improve. Shall we head back?" he took out a hand for Hermione to hold.

Her cheeks flushed. "Okay, let's go get some sleep."


"Harry? Are you still there?" Hermione tap the bathroom door.

"Uh-huh. Quidditch today."

"How'd you feeling? Do you need me to - uh, help you with some things?"

Harry poked his head out of the door. He was wearing the same red and yellow Quidditch robes every year. Except the size, Hermione thought.

"Brilliant. I feel really relax these days. Last year was tiresome. But after defeating the dark lord, I couldn't be more free now, can I?"

Hermione laughed. It was true. The famous Harry Potter seem to relax now, playing Quidditch, practicing magic whenever he wants and he gets to sleep without Voldemort invading his own mind.

"Alright, good luck. Ron and I will be watching you. I'll go find him now, see you later, Harry!" Hermione waved and walk to the great hall.

Ron was busy talking to a bunch of first-years.

"So eh, bloody books you'll need for Potions. And try not to make Professor Bradford angry, for he'll turn you into slugs or perhaps a spider too!"

The first years gasped and worry crossed over their eyes. "Ron! Stop scaring the first years! Professor Bradford won't turn you into a spider or slugs, kids. The Head Boy is just messing with you."

It was Ron's turn to gasp. In fact, it was over dramatic. "How could you lie to them, Hermione? Watch this."

He clear his throat and slashed out his wand. "Ahah! Sam would you kindly step forward?" A little boy with black hair pushes through the other first years and stood in front of Ron.

"Ron, this better not get bad. We have duties to do!" Hermione hissed at him but he just smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry. Its an original spell."

Hermione blinked many times. "You made it?"

"Uh, with a little help from Ginny and Harry." he cleared his throat and held his wand high.

"Frogeto propeto!"

The black hair kid yelped and shrank into a green frog, along with his robes and the stack of textbooks he was carrying. "Now that's what Professor Bradford does if you don't mix the ingredients right! Ahem, any other volunteers?"

Hermione tried hard not to giggle. Her boyfriend was definently still stupid, but he was funny and caring at the same time.

"Ron. For Merlin's sake, can we go eat now? Harry's playing Quidditch. With Ginny."

He slapped his head. "Oh my god, Quidditch! Yeah, we better go!" and he quickly grabbed her hand . "Hold on !You've got to turn that poor kid back into a human being !"Hermione shireked at him 

Ron stare dumbfounded at her. He looked uneasy."Uh,actually ,I didn't make the reverse spell ."he squeaked. Hermione glared at him. 

"What? You didn't?"she said it a little too loud. "Sorry, I didn't bother to make a reverse one. Harry said I didn't need to. You'll fix it for me,he said .Uh,you're the smartest witch from first year now, aren't you ?"Ron quickly said. 

It was hard trying to be angry and frustrated with him. "You know what?You'll go eat at the great hall first.Tell Harry that I'd be wishing him the very best even if I just said it a couple of minutes ago because I would be bringing this frog student to Professor McGonagall ."

Hermione scooped the frog in her hands and Ron quickly grabbed her arm."You sure you're going to be okay?I didn't really make you mad, did I?"

"You wouldn't bother if I'm mad,right? You handle it so well the past few years."

"Sorry ,see you later."Ron cupped her cheeks and kiss her. The frog croaked between them and glared at Ron. Hermione stood speechless and watch Ron's robes swept pass the corridor. She smiled to herself and the student frog had to croak again to get her attention. 

"Oh right. Sorry, Robetson." She said to the frog, and skip off, her lips still numb with joy.

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