Chapter 25

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Hermione's breathing quickened. He just - confessed?

That can't be possible. Draco Malfoy and her are just friends, or were they?
Oh my goodness. She couldn't even hear the rest of the conversation, because all she heard was her poor heart pounding.

It was hard to explain. She was flustered, surprised, but most of all - she felt much better. It didn't quite struck her, but she realised that she needed someone else's comfort these days - love from the opposite.

Pansy left, crying. Draco stood there and turned his head, and luckily, Hermione moved back too fast and landed on her bottom. He didn't saw her, but she was afraid that he might come over.

She peeked through a loose brick and saw that he was gone. Without further due, she rushed away, panting till she reached the headmistress office.

Hermione felt bad for acting so stupid. She wanted to make it up for her mistakes, and this probably isn't the perfect time, but she'd got none to waste.

Knocking on the door, she listened to her fingers rubbing against the wood until a lads opened it.

Hermione haven't notice how frail she looked. Her white hair started to increase, and that straight hat flopped down. Her nightgown seemed old too, the laces coming off and the colour became grayish white.

"Hermione? What are you doing here this late at night?" Professor Mcgonagall asked.

"I-I came here to apolagize."

She looked relieved yet uncertain. "Do come in," and she closed the door as Hermione entered.

They sat, and Hermione watched her sip a cup of hot cocoa.

"Professor, I'm sorry. I truly am. I know these days I've been terrible, but I swear I didn't meant to be like that. Something overtook me and I was like stranded on an island."

"Hermione, that isn't quite your fault. I do understand how humans can get emotional sometimes."

"Yes, well I'm not trying to say that what I did was totally not my fault, and just wanted to apologise on how rude I was for not showing up..."

Professor Mcgonagall smiled. The wrinkles near her eyes appeared. She was like a motherly figure to Hermione.

"I know you would somehow snap out of the delusional world of love, well let me share you my story."

"Your story?"

"Yes, a sad one, actually."

Hermione straightened herself as she listened to the ups and downs of Professor Mcgonagall life. The night seem warmer than before, and the light damped out as Hermione left after hearing to Mcgonagall, her heart lifted and was determined to do whatever she can to get herself back.

Hermione yawned loudly as she pushed open the window, letting the breeze blow into her window.

Her nightgown was crumbled, but she didn't mind wearing it for another night. The view was beautiful, green hills and the lake glittered under the scorching sun.

Hermione was thankful that there was no classes today. She got dressed, tied her hair into braids and was prepare to study for the whole entire day. Professor Mcgonagall had gave her permission to visit Ollivander at Diagon Alley to get a brand new wand.

As she decided to get out from her cold room, an owl flew in and she almost freaked out by just seeing it.

Snatching the parchment, she unwrap the letter and pulled the dirty yellow paper out. It was obviously been torn out from some old book back when they were probably first or second year, but she didn't mind smelling the dusty air.

Hello Hermione,

I want to take you out today, to study with you, of course. If you're still mad at me, then I suggest you don't come, but if you're not, feel free to meet me at the quidditch pitch and I'll bring you somewhere that you'd probably never been before. Please reconsider it.


Hermione let out a small scream. She wasn't angry at him, she was embarrassed with herself. Things were going absolutely wrong. But that wasn't all. How was she suppose to react when he told her indirectly that he liked her? He even asked her out! Worst, she was actually liking where this is going. The idea seem a little great for her.

She fumbled with her backpack, and pulled out a thick book with a hard cover. Ron gave it to her at like during second year and he actually thought she would like it.

She brushed her thumb on the golden letters of the book. The front had a picture with a blue book that had shiny glitters coming out of it.

At a young age, she had tried to avoid the best as she can, but now she was curious on how the story lines goes.

A Fairytale. The book cover already sounded stupid. What else would she expect from it? Bringing along some other revision books, she stuff them into her backpack and she actually thought it might tear apart. The outside already looked very bulky.

Smiling to herself, she looked one last time at the mirror and head off to the quidditch pitch.

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