Chapter 20

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The rest of the day was just rubbish. Hermione kicked her legs,  her body and neck all sweaty from the humid air.

She had at least spent an hour in the girls bathroom. After Herbology, Hermione followed Ron to Charms, which went pretty well but when it came to Transfiguration, she completely lose focus. All she could think was how Professor Mcgonagall didn't care about her opinion and just went straight on with that stupid ravenclaw.

For all these years, Cho Chang hadn't showed a good example. Her studies were up and down, and during fifth year she just cried and cried about Cedric Diggory. And Hermione was sure that crying isn't one of the main priorities being Head Girl.

But what can she do now? Go and throw a tantrum at the Headmaster's office, shouting how unfair things were? Or sulk for the entire week? Surely not, then what's the whole point of attending this school if she were to act like that?

Hermione sighed deeply as she listened to the footsteps outside and the tap turning on, water pouring out from the metal pipe.

It would be a few more minutes till classes are over. She wouldn't want to be all sweaty for the date, so she cast a few spells to make her smell nice.

She got up from the toilet seat and got out from the cubicle. Her hair was still braided perfectly, but her face was pouted. Hermione tried a few more smiles then she walked out.

Hermione walked up the trail of stairs, leading her to the astronomy tower. She spotted a ginger headed boy with a wooden table draped with what seemed like the boy's dormitory curtains.

Ron didn't did a good job, but it was the best Hermione expected from him.

"Hey," she laughed awkwardly. He smiled then they both sat down opposite each other, flustered.

"Hey um.. So how'd you doing, Hermione?"

She hunched her shoulders, apparently sad. "Not that good.. Just a little disappointed that Cho Chang is the new Head Girl, I mean she's not that bad, but it didn't suit her."

Ron stared at her. "She'll do great, you know."

"And how did you know she would, Ron? You can't just say that because she's your friend."

"I'm not.." he declined.

A few house elves popped out from nowhere, carrying large trays of pancakes with syrup and plates of treacle tarts. It was a food paradise.

"Did they willingly helped you, Ron?"

"Um, some of them, but I've got to threaten them if they don't do acoordingly to what I say."

"Ron!" Hermione slammed her hands on the table, making the puddings wobble.

"Alright, I'm just kidding, no need to get angry about such a small thing.."

"Ron, you don't kid around when you threaten someone," Hermione glared furiously.

"I'm just kidding. I didn't, okay? We can eat now. Help yourself," Ron quickly picked up a pancake and took large bites.

"Okay.." Hermione replied, scooping some spoonfuls of treacle tart into her mouth. She had seen how bad he could be, not only the time he left when they were hunting horcuxes, but the past few days when he took it out on her.

"How's your studies going without me? Er, I mean when I'm busy with work and all.."

Ron looked up to the sky. "Not really good, my essays are terrible. But I figured that somehow even if I didn't managed to passed, I'll probably still get the job as Auror, because I helped the famous Harry Potter on his journey and succeeded."

"With me," Hermione corrected him.

"Yeah yeah, of course."

"But it's your last year, you don't want to get scolded by teachers now, you're seventeen."

"I don't really care, hah, it'll be fun escaping detentions,"Ron said jokingly.

Hermione opened her mouth to protest, but she remmebered why fights with him happened. Because she was being a know-it-all. She needed to control herself.

I am tired. I don't want a girlfriend who don't spend time with me - always doing your homework or stupidly read those bloody books.

That's what he said. She shouldn't make the same mistakes again.

A large barn owl came flying, it's wings spread, gliding swiftly until it perched onto the balcony. It's brown and orange beak were nipped onto a small envelope that wrote Ron's name.

"My, I wonder who that could be," he muttered.

As he hummed along while he plucked open the cover, Hermione bend over to get a good glimpse of what it could be.

Her heartbeat raced. His face turned white with shock and his fingers were trembling with only one reason - anger. Her jaw hung opened but before she could do anything to proof herself, he kicked back his chair and crumbled the paper.

"Ron! Where are you going?"

"Nowhere, Granger. Nowhere," he said.

"Hey! Don't -" but he already walked down the stairs, ready to throw another huge tantrum.

Oh Merlin, why did someone send that to him? T-that was - ugh! How did that even happened? No one was suppose to see it.

Hermione wondered what she could do with the huge amount of food? She snapped her fingers and immediately, five house elves came to her service.

She squatted down to be the same height as the elves, then passed the tray of food to them. "Here, you can finished the food if you want, it'll be no problem. Thank you for preparing it."

The elves muttered among themselves excitedly, then bowed respectfully to her.

Before they could vanished, she took out her pouch and handed them twenty knuts. They thanked her once again and they were out of sight.

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