Chapter 18

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"Please! I didn't mean to-" Draco cornered her to a potrait, where she ran out of breath.

"You were hugging and touching me, ferret! You're such a disgusting person!"

"No! You were cold, and I thought - I thought you needed some help -" he explained.

"Because I was cold? That's still unacceptable, Malfoy!"

"I'm sorry," he slumped, looking troubled. "I didn't mean to do it."

Hermione wasn't going to let her guard down again, but she couldn't help feeling sorry. Her heart melted like a candle on fire.

"I suppose I can forgive you, just don't do it again, you know I'm trying to get back to Ron.. And what if Pansy saw it? You won't have a chance to be with her again," Hermione explained.

"Sorry, I wasn't really thinking. Just sort of have the tingling sensation."

"But.. Thank you, anyways, that helped me sleep better."

Draco smirked."Well you could say it was pretty cute.."

"Shut up! You're not allowed to say that," she shot back.

"Why not?"

She furiously stomp her feet and send her most hateful glare at him. "Because you have a girlfriend! That's why!"

"Right.." Draco scratched his tousled hair, but Hermione couldn't understand what's so disappointing about it.

"Well.. Most of the students are asleep, huh? It's fifteen minutes till I usually wake up, maybe we should get dressed.. Out of these stinky clothes," she suggested.

Draco sniffed his collar shirt. "Well I still smell great, don't I?"

A few slytherin girls walked by, giggling and pointing at him. He dreamily waved back, and they smiled wryly, laughing as they walked off to the Great Hall.

Hermione was beyond annoyed. Stupid fangirls who giggled all the time, perhaps they should study more..
Hold on. Why is she feeling this way? That's none of her business, alright. She have a guy to get back to, and things to achieve this year. Draco Malfoy being popular isn't wrong, yet she felt like she needed to shield him away from the girls or hold his hand.. No! Why the bloody hell did she just have that thought?

"Hello? Hermione?"

"Huh-?" she gazed up to meet his eyes.

"I said we could go.. What are you thinking?" he cocked his head and smiled.

"Er, nothing important. Um, see you later.." Hermione turned quickly and trudged down the passageways before her cheeks could burn.

That was totally embarrassing. Very stupid of her to actually think that she should be holding his hand..

"Oi, Hermione!" Ginny shouted, attracting all attention from the Gryffindor common room.

"Where have you been, Granger? I was worried sick, you foolish girl!" she burst into tears and slammed her body against Hermione's.

"I'm fine.. Got lock in the library with that ferret.."

Her eyes widened like it will pop out soon. "WHAT?"

"I-I m-mean, with that feather, my er, new owl."

"Are you sure? because I don't think I've seen any -"

"HERMIONE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Harry screamed from upstairs, his hair messed up and his glasses crooked. But worst of all, he looked angry.

Ron came pounding down in a second, all dressed and looking quite handsome.

"Hermione! What-"

"Listen!" she let out a frustrated cry, "I'm locked in the library last night without my wand and it was soundproof, so you can guess it wasn't very pleasant."

"Oh, Hermione," Ginny sobbed, "if I had returned it quickly to you, perhaps you wouldn't f-feel so scared.." and she broke down into tears.

She squeeze her friend tight. It was a great friendship they had together, caring for one another deeply.

"Come on, we need to get dressed for school today.. Don't want to be late for Herbology.." Ginny pulled her upstairs, Hermione's arm snatched.

"Well, today, you need to look good," Ginny said soothingly while brushing her tangled hair.

"Why? I don't want to - Ow! Careful, lady, I don't want to be half bald."

"Sorry darling, but anyways I've got great and awesome news for you," she swayed and unscrew a bottle. Pink liquid poured out, the aroma filling the room.

"What is it?"

"Well.. Ron talked to me and he said he was disturbed by the fact of his behaviour a few terrible days ago, so he arranged a date on the Astronomy tower during six in the evening. He'd saved all the food you need.."

"A DATE? ER, I mean it's been quite some time.. And I'm not really sure about this.." she sputtered.

"Oh, dear! It's your chance, Granger. Gosh, I do hate that Cho Chang."

Hermione laughed. "Is it because she's Harry's.. You know, or was she just really annoying?"

"IT'S BOTH! BUT, let's change the subject. I could feel my blood boiling right under my skin.. What hairstyle do you want?"

"Simple yet stylish. A cute one, in direct."

"On the way to it!"

Ginny fly her hands around her head, brushing and brushing, then splitting her hair to do braids. Hermione was forced to bend her neck in every weird direction, but the result was beautiful.

She had two braids down, with little muggle elastic bands tied at the ends, like what normal high school girls would do.

Lastly, Ginny borrowed her a red clip for her front hair. She looked absolutely cute.

"Ginny! Don't you think you've overdone it? Maybe I'll pull back some hair.."

She slapped the back of her hand.
"Don't touch it! It's perfect!" she exclaimed.

Hermione got up from the seat and Ginny hurried and took out her scarf. Putting on her fresh robes, she was star-struck by her own reflection.

"I look - I look -"


"No! This is way too girly and maybe I really don't need.."

"Ugh, shut up. Off to class you go! Good luck and see you at the Great Hall."

"But-okay.. See you, Ginny."

Hermione slung her backpack over her shoulder and walk off to meet Ron.

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