Chapter 40

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"WAKE UP! HERMIONE DONT L-LEAVE ME AGAIN," Draco shouted at her limp body. Her hand felt so cold around his one and he was getting really mad at everyone.

"What are you standing there for? Get help!"

The crowd only seemed to realise that someone was dying. Draco wasted no time and cradled her in his arms, then lifted her up and raced to the infirmary.

"Please don't die.." he begged.

He let her down slowly on a bed while Madam Pomfrey and some prefects went quickly to help.

"Is she going to be alright?" he asked, afraid that her life might slipped away any minute.

"I don't think so. Her heartbeat is fairly slow.. Its one of the ancient curse. Who'd you say again?"

"Edward Harris -"

"Edward Harris!" Professor Mcgonagall exclaimed loudly behind him.

Professor Bradford looked boredly at the headmistress. "Yes, Mcgonagall, Edward Harris."

"I don't believe it! I was even thinking of making him Head Boy," Mcgonagall shook her head.

Draco had blocked their conversation and just simply stared at the body of Hermione Granger. Her pale skin, her wavy brown that was now tangled messily after her run in the forest and those deep scars all over her arms and legs. Over all, she still looked beautiful, like one of those silly princess from that book she read before. What was it called again? Sneffy White? He was sure it didn't sounded like that, but Draco didn't think

He wanted to punch that guy maybe a hundred more times. What he did this morning wasn't enough after seeing her condition.

"Mr Malfoy, I think you need to get some rest. You've been watching over her for almost the entire day,"Madam Pomfrey chided but he refused.

"I don't know when I'll able to see or talk to her again. I want to be here and watch her get well. So please, let me stay."

Madam Pomfrey squinted at him like he was an unknown creature. "Very well then...but make sure to not over work yourself. I wouldn't want you to end up in a bed with a heavy head."

Draco nodded and thanked her. He continued to watch Hermione. It staysled like this for thirty minutes and he couldn't stand it.

He took her hand and carresed it softly." I'm here for you.. "

Then, Hermione breathing seemed to quickened and her chest heaved up and down. He wonder what was wrong.


Draco got up immediately and shouted for the patron. "Madam Pomfrey! Something's wrong!"

She rushed over and checked here and there, then tipping in some yellow liquid into her mouth. Draco crossed his arms, pacing around the bed. His eyes never took off Hermione.

A hand quickly tightened itself his sleeve. He spunned around and saw a living, breathing girl trying to form words out of her mouth.

"I-I -" but she dropped dead, her eyes closed and her lips sewn tightly together. There was no sudden movement for a long while until Madam Pomfrey pressed her thumb on Hermione's wrist and frowned. Then, she let out a collective gasp and turned to see the sorrow face of Draco.

"She's s-she's d-dead, Draco."

And with that, he let his tears out and kneeled in front of the bed, begging and shouting till his throat hurt.

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