Chapter 23

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She woke up, her face still streaked with salty tears. Hermione just had a nightmare. Yesterday, she hugged her knees to sleep and cried her eyeballs out, and she dreamt of Ron being stabbed in the back repeatedly.

In that dream, Hermione was cuffed and her mouth was taped with duct tape. A man stood behind him, casting all sorts of spells from the darkest arts of all time. She remmebered losts of screaming.

Hermione didn't want to get up now. Not when she looked so depressed and beaten up. She  groggily leaned against her bed frame, tearing off the bandages. She winced as the sticky part pulled her skin along.

The cuts were still aching, dried blood faded with her skin and the blue blacks seem to swollen up.

Hermione staggered, washing herself and put on some comfortable clothes. She gave a rinse through her dried bloody scalp and the water turned faded brown and red.

Hermione put it up into a bun, then stick her broken wand in it. Her wand. It was broken. What's she going to do without it?

"Sorry, didn't check on you last night because I thought you needed some time alone, actually, Harry thought," Ginny apologised.

"Thanks, I - am a little better. But my wand is broken," Hermione said sadly.

"You've got to go get a new wand," Harry chided.

"I suppose so," she picked on her bacon.

"Got to go to class, come on, Harry."

Harry kissed Ginny on the cheek while he followed her to History of Magic.

"Hey Harry," Hermione turned around to face him, "Where can I get an extra wand?"

"I don't know. Professor Flitwick should probably have some broken ones," Harry shrugged.

"Thanks.. I'll go get one. Will get permission from Professor Mcgonagall to go to Diagon Alley this Sunday."

Harry raised his hands and hurried to the classroom a few corridors away. Hermione sighed and went to Charms.

"Ah, Ms Granger.. What do you want? I'm teaching some second graders here.."

"Professor.. Do you have any extra wands? Mine is broken," she said.

"I am truly sorry, but we don't require broken wands here. You'll need to get a new one," Professor Flitwick said.

Hermione silently nodded and walked out from the classroom, eyes staring at her back.

She walked slowly, thinking of what to do without her precious wand. Will she get attacked again with a larger number of people, adding two other bitches like Pansy or Cho? That'll be terrible. Hermione wasn't prepare to face the Headmistress again. It was her nightmare when she was younger.

The air smelled of wet grass and good steak drifting from the Great Hall. Hermione didn't know what to do. Somehow she wished it was back then during the first three years of Hogwarts, where problems didn't seem that much of a deal.

Girls shot dirty looks and glanced at her a couple of times. That picture must've been everywhere. Her throat tighten as she caught another sheet of picture sticked to the brick wall.

Hermione rushed over to it and her lips pressed together. Draco and her were cuddling against each other like what couples do, only because he tried to give her warmth. That was understandable. She was silently wishing that the cold night would passed quickly as she slept, because it stung her fingers and her whole entire face.

With one quick flash, she tore it down, the upper part left sticking on the wall while Hermione tore the rest into smaller pieces.

As soon as she was done, she spotted another far away at the end of the long passageway. She rushed and did the same. But it continues. She walked and walked, while people stared at her, mocking at Hermione.

Hermione blinked back tears. It was impossible to finish the job without her wand, but she had to try. She can't tolerate this around the entire Hogwarts. The papers might be stacked away and somehow the next pack of students will find it again.

"Granger! What are you doing?" someone walked up to her and caught hold of her arm.

"Stupid idiot. What's your problem, Malfoy? Enjoying this?"

"Of course not! Will you please listen to what I have to say?"

"Absolutely not,"Hermione walked hurriedly away from him when the fifth graders in the hallway started watching with intensity.

But he caught up anyways. She went to the quidditch pitch but her robes got stuck in some rose bushes that clearly have never been there before last week.

A sharp stem poke through the fabric and Hermione struggled to pull it out, because she was scared she might buy new robes along with a wand.

"Hermione! Oh, you're stucked," Draco teased her.

"None of your buisness, we shouldn't be talking to each other," she said glumly.

"Please! What I meant to say was that I am sorry, yesterday I could've helped you but I didn't , Granger."

"Sorry? Is that all you can say right now?" Hermione continued to tug onto the edge of her robes.

"Yes, I am! You- might want to be careful," Draco glanced down at her robes.

"Again, it doesn't matter! We - aren't meant to be friends in the first place."

"Well, I don't regret any of the friendship," he glared at her.

"Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about!" she half screamed. Hermione could punch that handsome face of his.

"I do! I'm really sorry, okay? Ugh-let me help you," he bend down and Hermione kicked him in the arm.

"Let me go! I don't need your help," she huffed.

"Enjoy having torn robes and a broken wand," Draco sneered.

"Yeah, rather have that than you trying to act all nice here."

"Mmhm, I'm not acting. Come here, you are fairly stupid," he hold still of her leg and carefully, he managed to pluck the thing out without having her robes torn into half like a magician's one.

"No thanks."

"You could've be more grateful!"

"Get away," Hermione walked away.

"Hey!" he chased after her and hold still of her arms. She kicked and threw her hands, frustrated.

"I am sorry, can we clear this mess up?"

"Clear this mess up? Are you dumb? Haven't you seen what happen? Ron's like a girl. He's into mood swings, and now - have I got him back?"

"No you.. Didn't. But we could be friends still. I'll try to help," he gave another option.

"Help? You crushed it down when I had the chance! Maybe if we didn't met up that day, things like this wouldn't happen, it's all your fault, Draco!"

He looked distraught. "Hermione, it isn't anyone's fault -"

"It is! You could've stopped me, Cho Chang could've mind her own stupid little plans and that bitch girlfriend of yours should've kept her mouth to herself. RON COULD'VE FORGIVE ME!"

"Hey, hey! My girlfriend has her wrongs and it was my fault that I didn't helped you. But, you can't blame everything on Pansy -"

"I hate you."

His expression went dumbstruck. Hermione was shocked herself, but she made no desire to apolagise. It was much too late.

"You.. Hate me?"

"I - I don't know," she replied softly. And with that, she went to History of magic class, meeting up with Harry. It left Draco a feeling he never thought he'd ever felt before.

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