Chapter 11

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Hermione gasped p as the air greeted her. She was on a hill, a great view to look at with the sun still up and the reflection of the lake was clear.

More tears started flowing. Her whole face was bright red and her eyes were swollen.

Hermione couldn't do anything. Her heart was throbbing with pain and she kept replaying his words in that mind of hers.

Hermione sat down and buried her head in her knees. She started thinking - of the memories she had with Ron, but each one brought a new tear.

The times during summer where she cuddled with him outside the burrow and they fell asleep outside, the fire crackling with pink comfy blankets covering them to keep them warm, even if it was summer. It was a habit.

Hermione had learn to accept how Ron is. She stopped expecting Ron to look more handsome or wiser someday, because even if it annoyed her, she also enjoyed it. So why would he expect her to be what he wanted?

Just why - couldn't things be right after the battle? Hermione sat there until the sun started to move down a little.

She was tired of crying. Hermione didn't want to go back that early and it was almost dinner, so she waited. Her stomach grumbled but she starved herself for a moment.

A swooshing sound can be heard from afar. Hermione tilted her head a little and saw a person on a broom, moving so fast like flies that annoyed Hermione back at home.

"Draco?" she whispered to herself and  watched him. He was practicing for the next match that starts two weeks later. Slytherin against Hufflepuff.

Hermione didn't made any attempt to go say hello, but she was bored. Ginny have some sort of detention, so she didn't really have anyone to talk to.

Hermione made her way to the quidditch pitch and sat down, silently watching him. She had to admit. He was really good with his broom, especially his reaction and the techniques he used.

Finally, Draco look down at her. He flopped down, the wind blowing his hair. Hermione had never really care, but now that she did, he actually looked good in his quidditch robes.

"Hello there, Granger. How'd - you feeling?"

"Really now? Don't try to be funny. I'm not in the mood to listen to you."

"Hm, I see you're watching me." Draco said, brushing the broom's handle.

"I'm bored. Just - go away. Don't disturb me."

Hermione look away and rest her head on her knees, her eyes gazing the horizon.

Draco paced around and suddenly he smirked at her.

"What?" Hermione said, making it clear that she was terribly annoyed.

"You need something to cheer you up, right? Something exciting."

"What? No, I don't. I need someone to talk to - not just some exciting stuff. In fact, I don't think anything is going to be exciting to me anymore. What's life without him, anyways?"

Draco smiled. A cunning smile, actually. "Suit yourself, Granger," and he took off with his broom to the light orange and blue sky.

What can Hermione do now? It was painful. She couldn't persuade Ron to come back, and she couldn't move on. She's stuck in a situation that she can't solve.

The same swooshing sound could be heard again. This time, it seem much nearer and definently closer to Hermione. It was coming from the other side and she figure that Draco was just trying to get on her nerves.

Hermione turned her head, "What do you want -" and the rest of her voice had turn into a series of frantic screaming.

Draco had pull her up with both of his hands and now she sat across him on the broomstick. He was laughing, which Hermione found it nice and comforting. But now wasn't the time.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT ME DOWN!" she screamed. Hermione clutch onto the wooden stick and she made the mistake of looking down.

They were at least a few feet from touching the clouds and the hills seem like bumpy pancakes to her now.

"Hello again. Now isn't this exciting."he said casually.

"I'm going to - f-fall, Draco!" Hermione wasn't sure which she was afraid of, being very close to the ferret or dropping down, killing herself.

"Did you said my name? It was nice to hear you say it. I give you full permission to use it, but - not the insults, please."

"FERRET! PUT ME DOWN I - H-HATE THIS!" she scream once again. Her forehead beaded with sweat and her hands were trembling.

Draco lean in and grab the handle. His face was inches apart and Hermione could see the shiny sparkles in his beautiful gray eyes.

They went faster." Are you bored, Granger?"

"Please! Put me down - now! Or I'll give you detention!"

Unfortunately, he didn't listen. He just went faster, swirling here and going down just in time to shot upwards to the sky again.

Hermione couldn't even feel the broom anymore. She grab onto his robes, just his robes, to prevent herself from falling. Maybe she'll quickly write a note that says if they die riding a broom, do let their graves be separate.

"Hermione. Don't be afraid." he assured her, but she was shaking so badly to even care what he says.

Draco released e his hands from the handle and pushed Hermione's hands away.

"What are you doing? Don't let me fall -"

And he pushed her by the shoulders. Hermione freefall, and a few thoughts flash across her mind. Did he plan to kill her? Was she going to die right now? What would Ron think? How about her parents - will they be okay without her?

The wind roared in her ears and she felt weightless. Hermione was two feet away from the ground when someone grab her firmly from her back and hurl her up.

Hermione didn't hesitate no more. She grab Draco tightly until he couldn't breathe and she smelled his cologne on his robes.

They whirl pass the astronomy tower and flew straight down the empty space and soared up again, where a few gryffindors look up and thought they were seeing things.

Hermione shut her eyes tight. She had no time to appreciate the view. At least she was safe now. After a few more circles around here and there, he landed down the grass.

Hermione didn't dare to let go. She was afraid it was some mean prank again, that will perhaps once and for all - lead her to death.

"Hermione? We're safe." In the deepest part of her heart, she was a little disappointed that he didn't comfort her like most people do just now. But again, this annoyingly handsome seventeen year old guy here had been a bully to her.

Her arms were wrap tightly around him. Somewhere - this depressed feeling unleashed automatically. Hermione started to cry. She couldn't explain it, but all the self blame came surging in, like she was born to hate herself and people were meant to dislike her.

Draco stared down at her. His expression softened and he reach out to touch her soft wavy hair, but he stopped. Then, very slowly and reluctantly, he spread his arms and hug her back, caressing her head.

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