Chapter 10

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It was late afternoon. Hermione saw a familiar long black hair ravenclaw and she immediately rushed past her, not bothering to make eye contact.

"Hermione!" Cho Chang pushed through the crowd as she entered the Great Hall.

"What is it?" she said coldly.

"Well, can we talk somewhere else?" Cho Chang smirked at her.

"No, say what you want."

Cho Chang played with her hair and a smile crept to her lips. "Actually, could you help me with something? It isn't really a big deal, but you're head girl and my broom kind of got stuck in a pile of mud. I can't really pull it out, so would you help me?"

Hermione couldn't resent her more. "What? I'm sorry, but you'll have to do it your own."

"What? You are head girl , Granger! Don't tell me you've ditched your job," Cho Chang sneered at her.

"I don't think it's in my to do list," Hermione briskly replied.

Cho Chang look like she wanted to slap her across the face, but she replaced it with a smirk that Hermione wished she could turned it into a frown.

"Well I'm not sure if Ron told you this, Granger, but recently he told me all the things he never really confessed to you about."

Hermione head whirled around so quickly that she thought she might faint. "What did you say! Confessed?"

"Exactly. But it'll probably make you feel like crap, so I guess you'll have to find it yourself."

Cho Chang brushed her robes and turned back, but Hermione was itching to know what was going on with him.

"Wait! Tell me what is it and I'll help with the broom," Hermione said.

Cho Chang smiled sweetly that it would've been poison. "He said he was tired of you. Ron told me he was tired of that girlfriend of his, for all she do was study and spent absolute no time with him. Even the dates he had seemed boring."

"That's not true! Ron wouldn't - he wouldn't -"

"Oh he would. If you hadn't had the  slightest bit notice that he'd been interested in me. Poor Ron, he was so angry about himself for feeling this way, but most of all - you, Granger."

Hermione refused to believe what she said. "You are lying. I won't listen to whatever you say, Cho."

Cho Chang laughed. Hermione didn't understand what's so funny about all this. "Lie? Why would I lie? I'm helping you, Hermione. Once you leave Ron, the more happier you'll get. Oh, and I think he's pretty cute too."

Happy? She doesn't know about happiness. She didn't know the feeling of what's it like to have a crush and to feel all safe and warm especially around him." No. "Hermione rage grew and the nearby goblet fly out of a third grader from slytherin. The girl look surprised and yelped as her drink splashed onto Cho Chang's forehead.

She screamed and held her head in her hands, getting everyone's attention.

Ron, who was busy eating dropped his food and quickly rushed over. Harry look shocked and glanced at Hermione.

Hermione didn't know why that happened. It only does when she got really frustrated and annoyed, which happened twice when she was spending the summer with her parents.

"Hermione, did you do this?" Ron clenched his fists and face her.

"I-no, I didn't -" Hermione sputtered.

"Did you do this?" he asked again, much louder and fiercer.

Hermione didn't dare to look up. Everyone was watching them, and what would Professor Mcgonagall say if she saw this? Maybe her role for Head Girl would be gone.

Draco sat afar, his half eaten bacon with a freshly bagel on a silver plate. Hermione had the stupidest hope that he would defend her,since they were called friends.

But he didn't. Why would he?

"Yes, yes I did." she said softly.

"I can't hear you, Granger." Cho Chang glared at her, Ron draping his robes around her shoulders.

"Yes I did."

"Hermione.. Why did you do it?" Harry asked softly.

Hermione couldn't feel more worse. Her best friend wouldn't even stand for her now?

"It was an accident -"

"Accident!" Cho exclaimed loudly, her voice filled with accusation and rage.

"Really! I -"

"Enough. Hermione, I'm sorry." Ron said.

"Sorry? Why are you?"

"Because - Cho's right. I am tired. I don't want a girlfriend who don't spend time with me - always doing your homework or stupidly read those bloody books. Plus, you're not even bothered by how I feel anymore!"

"What? How you feel? Seriously, Ron? How stupid can you get!?" Hermione rushed forward and grabbed Cho by the arm.

"Ron!" Cho cried. Hermione released Cho and challenged her.

"See? You are not injured! You were just pretending to be - and that probably explain why you, Ron, left me! Because of her!" Hermione tried to reason with him.

Smack! Hermione barely could blink when the pain in her cheek rise. Ron had slapped her. He crossed the line and she - couldn't face it anymore.

The crowd gasped and murmured, but Hermione was temporarily deaf. Her eyes welled up that instant and hot angry tears poured out.

"We're breaking up, Granger. It's for the best for both of us." Ron finished his sentence and brought Cho to the toilet to clean up.

Harry reached his hand out to pat her shoulder but he took it back as Hermione pushed the crowd away and ran. She would let her legs take her as far as she can get, but she knew nowhere on earth can ever get away from her broken feelings.

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