Chapter 28

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"I'm so sorry, Hermione, I can't go.." Ginny apologised over and over again.

"Seriously, it's no problem, I'll be fine," Hermione laughed.

"Are you sure? What if you met some disgusting people again that abused you like stupid Padma? I can't!"

Hermione sat down on her bed again. She longed to curled up in her thick warm blanket and sleep, but today- she will be quite busy.

"Oh don't worry, I'll be fine. I promise to tell you if anything happens and we'll report to Professor Mcgonagall."

Ginny sighed. "I guess that's the only solution now."

"I need to go now, alright?" Hermione said soothingly and hugged Ginny.

They embrace each other, then went off to their own destination. Hermione wait impatiently near the staircase that leads up quite near to the Headmaster office. Just a few moments ago, Draco had passed a message to her and told her he'll be coming with Hermione to get a new wand. Perhaps grab a couple of drinks and what not.

She was hesitated to tell him that, because of the kiss yesterday, but she agreed for him to come. She could  use some company.

Twenty minutes had just passed by, and just as she decided to go by herself than go suffocate in the humid air, he appeared. He always does in the wrong timing.

"Oh look who showed up after all," she grumbled.

"A bit drama back there," Draco chuckled. He was wearing all black and he was clearly spotted in the crowd. Anyways, it just suited him and his character, so you could say he looked pretty good in darker colours.

"That's not an excuse," she shoved her hands into her brown overcoat.

"Well it is!" he grabbed her hand and they both dashed towards the office, Hermione yelling in frustration.

"Professor Mcgonagall?" he knocked on the wooden door, while Hermione rattled the handle at the same time.

"What is going on- oh. Malfoy and Granger, going so soon?"

"Yes, Professor,"Hermione said sheepishly.

She crossed her arms." Well don't be that late.. No funny business, Mr Malfoy."

"Yes ma'am," he laughed. Hermione rolled her eyes at his sarcastic remark and her nerves pulled together. He acted like as if nothing had happened yesterday.

"Well then, come in."

Professor Mcgonagall searched her neat desk that stacked with books and parchment, some dry ink stains on the table and quills in a bottle of dirty water.

She pulled open a cabinet and got a sack of floo powder.

Hermione and Draco scooped some into their palms while they threw it into the fireplace, Hermione going first and green flames erupted as soon as she got in.

Boom! The sound of glass breaking echoed and Hermione coughed out the gray ashes that appeared flying around her.

She squinted her eyes because it was dark and there was barely any light other than the small dimly lit candle at the far corner, ready to burn out.

Hermione crawled out of it. Surely she didn't said anything wrongly and ended up in some sort of haunted old house.

She examined the place. It didn't had windows, and there was a bolted door at the far end. It only had a broken, dusty desk and a chair that looked like its legs might split in all directions if you sat on it.

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