Chapter 27

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"What!" Hermione pushed him back, looking flustered and astonished at the same time.

"I, Er, actually-" he paused, not knowing what to say. He was also probably shocked with his own actions too.

"You kissed me?" Hermione gasped, not looking at him. She stood up awkwardly, wanting to run away, screaming and panicking. But there was no place to. She didn't have a broom, and even if she had one, she wasn't very good at it either. She'll drown herself in the lake and never get back alive.

"Um, I-"

"You, me-"

"Sorry -"

"Oh my god-"

Hermione hunched, plucking a flower and pulling its bright yellow petals out.

"We should head back," Draco looked away, his cheeks burning.

"Yeah we should."

They walked back and collect all their books, including the fairytale one that almost landed in the lake. Fortunately, a large bulky rock had blocked its way down.

"Sit here," Draco gestured her to his broomstick. Hermione was acting shy, she could smell his strong cologne just from his back. Luckily, they flew gently on the air like a dove. She clung onto his shirt, just her small delicate fingers gripping onto the thin fabric.

Hermione didn't close her eyes this time. She take a good look at her surroundings, inspecting the little details like the clump of bushes, tall trees, grassy lands, and the bright cloudless sky. The wind was icy cold and it made her shiver. Sometimes she wished she wasn't this weak.

Her mind replay the scene. That was so embarrassing! What was he thinking? She have no choice but to tell Ginny and Harry. Their her most trustable friends aside from Ron...

Hogwarts came into view. Hagrid's hut burned with smoke curling out from the little window, probably baking rock cakes and what not.

She could see tiny students, Cho barking at some kids, Neville near the Herbology greenhouse, Professor Flitwick in one of the windows and some weird yellow lights coming from the hufflepuff common room.

They landed somewhere where no one saw them, away from the quidditch pitch a little.

Hermione thanked him, blushing.
"Thank you, for the ride."

Draco smirked and winked at her. "Anytime, Granger," and he rode up to the sky again with girls staring up in awe.

Her heart was going to pop. That was so attractive that she might die, just watching him being all dashing and cool. Oh my, Hermione, snap out of it! Stupid tricks. He's a slytherin! A malfoy! You aren't supposed to even like him one bit.

Hermione shook her head and walked back to the Great Hall, where the decorations went more beautiful than before. The long tables were still there, but the house points were gone and the front row was gone, too.

"What's going on with all these?" she asked Dean Thomas, who was chatting with some hufflepuffs.

"You haven't heard?" he looked surprised, "Someone's getting married at Hogwarts."

"Say what? Their actually doing it? Who's getting married?"

"Heard that its students from the time when Voldemort was temporarily destroyed, and they graduated.. How lucky," Dean said.

"Yeah.. Don't tell me the whole school is invited for this wedding party."

"Of course not, only the sixth and seventh graders. Its held the following week of next week, if you want to come.."

"Oh Merlin, I'm going!"

"Then get your date ready, there's dancing and food."

"D-date?" she stammered from excitement, "Wow.."

"Yeah, catch up with you later," Dean waved and walked off with his friends.

"And where have you been, again?" Ginny said crossly. That was the first thing that entered her ears from her best friend. Though she couldn't blame her, Hermione had been gone for approximately four hours from ten in the morning.

"Library," she lied. She didn't know why she wanted to hide the truth from her best friends when she intended to tell them.

"Nice try, we've searched you almost everywhere at Hogwarts," Harry said.

Of course. Their not that stupid!

Hermione sighed and hopped onto a comfy armchair next to the window. It was their favourite spot to chat, but without Ron this time. He'd distant them ever since they fought, and its like the friendship they had.. Was gone.

"Actually, I went somewhere far away, not that far, but still far -"

"Just get to the point," Ginny hurried her.

"So it's a place.. And I went with Draco, and we just study because we're friends.."

Harry choked. Ginny shut her Transfiguration textbook and blinked. "You've been hanging out with Malfoy? No wonder!"

"Im sorry if I didn't told you sooner, I was afraid that you'll be mad at me. Please don't, Ron already.." her voice faltered.

"Oh, Hermione, we're not mad," Ginny nudged Harry's arm, "We're surprised.."

Hermione gripped onto the armchair. "You're not?" she squeaked.

"No, not at all.. You seem different today. Not so sad and depressed, me and Harry spent days trying to solve your problem."

"Yeah, a couple of kisses and hugs-"

Ginny glared at him. "That's not important, anyways."

"But seriously, you looked happy with Malfoy.. Surely not anything that we don't know about?"

"N-no! Nothing unordinary," Hermione covered her lies.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You looked so frightened by the idea."

Hermione laughed uneasily. "Actually,"she said," he might have kissed me."

"Hermione - don't tell me!"

"Yes, well, guess what? The big bully of our age and the ferret, adding him being a stupid guy, likes me."

"Bloody hell," Harry dropped his wand.

"Oh- I don't know what to think about it," Ginny said.

"Well, it's not much of an issue-"

"Not much of an issue?" Harry exclaimed,"That's one hell of a thing!"

"Guys, please," Hermione begged.

"Okay fine, if it makes you happy then, we're fine with it, right Harry?" Ginny hit him on the arm.

"Of course not! We're good with Malfoy until someone decides to be with our best friend!"

"Harry! Maybe she feels happy, with him!"

"No, why would she - ow!"Harry winced in pain.

Ginny glared at him again for the hundredth time. Hermione wouldn't be surprised if she burned holes in his face.

"Fine fine, geez, girls can be so threatening sometimes," he joked.

"Thanks.. Although I'm not sure about it myself," Hermione admitted.

"We'll be here to support you, listen to your heart. But don't forget to think wisely with your actions," said Ginny.

Hermione gave them a dry smile. "Thanks again. Oh-have you heard of the wedding?"


"You going?"


"Whoop! Quidditch time- see you, girls."

"Bye," they both said in unison, smiling at each other. While no one was watching and Ginny complaining about her dress, Hermione touched her lips, waiting for the kiss to return.

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